Explanation (Chapter Eighteen)

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Recap of the last chapter


"Why would their capo want me at their warehouse?" I was clearly confused by why the Shivs keep popping up.

"Arya, their capo is Carlo. Carlo Flores Ricci."


"Okay?" I question

Dominic sighs. "Carlo goes by the name Carlo Ricci, si?" I nod "What if I told you Ricci was his middle name and Flores was his last?" Dom finished. and that's when I realized where this conversation was leaning towards.

"That's impossible." I breathe. Dominic only nods. Dante and Adam get up and make their way out of the room leaving me only with Dom. Dominic stood up and walked towards me. When he reached me he sat in the chair by my side. He took my chair and turned it towards him and pulled the chair his way. my legs were now between his. He put a hand on my knee and I didn't push it away.

"You're his daughter, baby." It hit me. "When you were born your Carlo expected a boy, he gave your mother two chooses. Kill the baby or give it away, of course, your mother didn't want to kill you but she didn't want to give you away, you were her baby." he paused. "But she needed to. Carlo had a lot of people that owed him money, drugs, equipment, but there was one in particular.

"Your dad owed him a shit ton of stuff, Carlos knew he could never pay his debt. He gave him a chance, took you in and his debt was paid, and if he disagreed he would kill Adam. so your dad accepted, took you in." Dominic rubbed my knee in a soothing manner. I was refraining from spilling into tears.

"Why is he back now?" I questioned. it didn't make sense that Carlo would want anything with me when he had given me away the moment I was born.

"He needs an heir, he never had a child after you. He couldn't." He wipes away a tear that had managed to escape.

"And what does Cade have to do with any of this?" He tenses.

"When Cade recruited you he had no idea who you were. Of course, he ran a background check on you but he didn't know you were Carlos' daughter. Weeks later he found out you were and contacted Carlos. Carlos was thrilled to hear that news since for seventeen years he had tried to have a boy heir but never succeeded. Carlos made a deal with Cade." I took a breath and Dominic continued. "Carlos said that Cade could train you until the time came and Carlos wanted to bring you in. Carlos hasn't been able to get a hold of you, you kept slipping between his fingers and he's had enough. Cade can't capture you or bring you to him since he said he wanted nothing to do with this when Carlos wanted you in. Cade said he'd give you up freely but he wasn't going to give you, the Shivs had to come get you. so they tried, but clearly-" he looked me up and down "-they couldn't." I try to gather up my tears.

I just found out that my whole life was a lie and that my parents aren't really my parents. My real father is the capo of my enemy, meaning he is my enemy.

At least I think he is.

I wiped my tears with a frustrated hand and asked Dominic "Why am I here?" Dominic sighed and got up from his seat sitting me up with him. "That is a story for another time." he shakes his head and takes a step away from me.

But I'm not having it, I grab his arm just as he tries to spin around. "No uh-uh, you've told me all of this already and you're planning on telling me the rest the next day?"

"I'm not planning on telling you why any day." he forced his lips into a tight-lipped smile and began to walk away with my hand still attached to his arm, which only made him drag me along with him.

"Rude," I muttered.

"I heard that."

"It was meant to be heard." I sigh. I put myself up straight and followed Dom out of the room.


I'm staying with my brother now, in his penthouse.

I really don't know how I feel about the whole thing with Cade and I don't wanna see Dom right now or anyone else for that matter. I really just want to rest. I feel drained from the crying that I had done and pretty much everything else.

"Here I'll make you tea. The blankets are in the closet and the TVs in the living room to your right." Adam says, pointing toward the living room.

I make my way to when he directs me, and sit on the sofa. He brings me my tea and the tv remote.

I turn on Netflix and put on Chicago med. I honestly don't know why I like this show but I think it's just because I like discovering new things in the medical world. There was this one episode where a young girl could feel what someone else was feeling. One day she was walking in the hospital and she started seizing out of nowhere only to find out that the person near her on the hospital bed was also having a seizure. It was really cool but really scary.

"Um, I have to go do some work- so are you going to be okay here?" Adam asks, his voice a little shaky.

"Yeah, it's fine go do whatever" I wave at him as he wakes his way to the door putting on his shoes, and the lift doors shut.

I figured now that no one was here I could go out and talk to Josh, I know that I shouldn't go but I have to hear what he has to say. He at least owes me that. He cheated on me after one year of dating, I deserve an explanation.

I'm not saying I'm taking him back, I'm completely over it. I just need to know the truth, did I do something wrong? Was it my fault he cheated on me because there was something wrong with me?

I needed an answer.

I huff and close the tv. Getting up and put on a coat and shoes, making my way into the lift. I took out my phone and saw the last text he sent me.

Baby, please answer your phone.

I need to explain things, everything.

I shut off my phone and started walking down the street. I know I shouldn'té be walking alone at night right now, but I don't have a car. Besides, I know how to defend myself.


I know this chapter I short put that all I have for right now, thank you for continuing to read this story!!

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