Chapter 21

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Our disguise proved to be working well. With the size of our supply carts, we looked like normal merchants just trying to make a delivery.

As soon as I saw the sunlight cover the cart as we finished crossing through the gate, I gave the signal to split up. I watched as Jean, Sasha, and Connie split off and headed toward their designated location, followed by Ymir and Krista. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin headed toward their place in the formation, with Mikasa walking faster than the others. I smirked to myself as I watched Eren realize Mikasa was moving significantly faster, and ran up to her side. I faced forward, chuckling softly to myself at Eren’s behavior, and saw Hanji and I’s destination a few steps away.

Further up ahead, I could see the carriage Levi was in came to a stop. I watched Erwin carefully step out of the carriage as Hanji and I split off into the alleyways to set up our weapons. I hoisted the cart up into a leaning position and turned it so I could easily position it when the time came. I took a deep breath and continued up onto the rooftop that I would be hiding on.

Once up to my position, I took a quick glance around to make sure everyone was more or less in position. The light around the district had faded since a storm of clouds rolled in, hinting at rain. I saw Hanji had crouched down and was giggling with excitement about seeing another Titan shifter just to my left. Looking farther back, Eren’s trio had settled into place. I could see Eren’s angered expression, but knew that he wouldn’t act on it just yet. Slightly past Eren, I saw Jean and Connie whisper-yelling across a small alleyway at each other while Ymir and Krista were quietly talking to each other. It looked like they were having a serious conversation, but I figured Ymir was probably just telling Krista not to get herself killed. Sasha was looking down at the streets with a small amount of drool hanging from her mouth. She must’ve spotted a food stand, otherwise, she would have been completely focused. Feeling satisfied enough with how everyone looked, I sent the signal for everyone being in place.

I sat for a moment, scanning the area for any sign of Reiner. I knew he would probably be in disguise since he had escaped from headquarters so early. Levi and Mike had already exited the carriage and were standing just behind Erwin as he argued with the Military Police. Mike was sniffing the area, looking for any clues of Reiner’s location. I saw the person Erwin was talking to snap his head in Levi’s direction and I smiled, realizing Levi had probably made a snarky comment at him.

After a few minutes of Erwin pleading with the guard, they finally allowed them entrance. As they were making their way toward the doorway, Mike flinched and quickly turned to his left as if trying to locate a threat. I looked in the direction Mike was and saw a large, bulky, hooded figure working its way through the busy crowd. I sent the signal for Reiner’s appearance as I watched Mike turn around and make eye contact with my hidden figure.

Everyone quickly pulled out the supply carts from their positions, just enough to where they would reach Reiner and capture him when fired. I hid in the shadows as I watched Mike quickly alert Erwin, which alarmed the Military Police and they pointed their guns at them.

I quickly glanced back at Eren and made eye contact with him, making sure he was watching me carefully. Drops of rain had started to fall, making it harder to see him, but we made eye contact and he gave me a small nod saying he was ready. I returned the gesture quickly to him and glanced at the back to check the others. The rest of soldiers were hiding amongst the shadows, quietly. Hanji’s excitement had grown even more as I heard her giggling from my location. I heard one of her squad members tell her to try to pull it together but to no success.

Reiner’s hooded form had blended well into the crowd but was forced to step out of concealment as he neared the dungeon entrance. He spotted Levi, Mike, and Erwin, and quickly began to run toward them as I watched him pull a knife out and raise his hand. They noticed and quickly grabbed the group of officers that were threatening them, and ran off to where their gear was located. I sent Eren the signal as soon as I watched Reiner move the knife to his palm and slice.

There were several loud booms of thunder that echoed throughout the area. The rain drastically picked up, pouring down around us, making the situation trickier. I watched a flash of lightning completely engulf Reiner as his figure grew larger and bulkier. I felt a gust of air behind me as Eren began his transformation. Within a matter of seconds, Reiner and Eren had completed their transformations.

I raised my hand and yelled at the top of my lungs, “Fire!”

Quickly covering my ears, several rods loaded with explosives launched their way into Reiner’s armored body, knocking several plates of armor off, including the one at the nape of his neck. Eren’s Titan form ran past my location at Reiner, bellowing, and tackled him.

Reiner broke free of Eren’s hold, throwing him backward into a building. He grabbed the ropes attached to him and yanked on them, releasing their hold. Eren quickly recovered and ran at Reiner, full speed, delivering a blow to the head, only for Eren to be punched hard enough to lose the top part of his head. With Eren out of the equation for a short period of time, I sent the signal to fight, only for another unexpected bolt of lightning to cause all of us to turn to the back of the formation.

*meanwhile in the back of the formation*

[F/N] had just sent the signal for Eren to transform. It had also begun to pour, but from Sasha’s experience in her village, she sensed it wouldn’t be a very long storm, just harsh. She watched as Eren jumped off of the roof, biting his hand so hard that blood gushed all around his head as lightning engulfed him. There was another bolt of lightning that came from the front of the formation, but Sasha assumed that it was Reiner. As soon as the lightning ended, [F/N] raised her hand and yelled to fire.

Everyone in the formation covered their ears as they watched the explosives launch and embed themselves within Reiner’s intimidating form, thunder boomed across the entire area. Sasha quickly glanced around, as she watched Mikasa and Armin move forward in the formation, following behind Eren as he took off toward Reiner’s now vulnerable frame.

Sasha, Connie, Jean, Ymir, and Krista were the only ones left in their area as they quickly met up on a nearby rooftop. They watched the fight ensue and waited for [F/N]’s next signal. They saw Eren’s form launch backward twice before [F/N] sent the signal to fight.

The storm boomed with thunder as the rain pelted down, drenching their cloaks. Ymir’s eyes widened as everyone drew their swords and launched forward. Sasha looked ahead and saw Levi’s group join [F/N] and Hanji on the wet ground. They were soaking by now from the rain to the point of water dripping from their hair and clothes.

Sasha quickly noticed that only her, Jean, and Connie were moving forward and when she turned back she saw Ymir and Krista on a rooftop. Ymir was holding Krista’s shoulders calmly and saying something of importance to her. It was hard to hear what she said due to the intensity of the rain. Krista’s eyes widened as Ymir walked away, pulling one of her swords out of its sheath. Ymir spoke her last words to Krista, loud enough that Sasha could hear her through the rain.

“Live your life with pride.”

Ymir jumped off the roof and sliced through her hand as another bolt of lightning appeared, surrounding her body.

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