𝟓. 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫

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"So that's it? We're over? Just like that?" Derek asks, looking confused. "We have been over for a long time, Derek" I reply once more, and I walk away from him. I get back into Mr. Evans' room, and let the family talk again.

"Was he bothering you?" his mother asks before starting her story again, and I slightly frown. "That man, was he bothering you? We saw what he did to you, through the window" she adds before I can reply.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry about that, I-I didn't know the widow was-" I nervously say, but the brother interrupts me. "You look really upset, and it seemed like he made you really uncomfortable" he exclaims, and I silently sigh.

"It's um... Yeah, no, it's okay. So, is there someone to take care of you at home? Do you need a nurse to help you on a daily basis?" I ask, looking at Mr. Evans now to change the subject.

We discuss it for a while, make sure that everything is going to be alright and say goodbye to the family once they're ready to go again.

"Thanks for telling them what's going on, they really wanted to know everything" Mr. Evans says after his family walked out. "Ofcourse, no problem" I reply, and I give him a little smile.

"Hey um, about that guy that has been bothering you all the time, is that really okay? Because, you know, you look upset. He just grabbed you, and I don't think that's okay" he adds, and my eyes tear up.

"It's fine" I sigh, trying not to let him see the tears in my eyes. "I think you should talk to your boss about this" Mr. Evans exclaims, making me smile again.

"That's not a good idea, but thank you" I giggle, blinking a few times while looking at his chart. "If I could stand, I'd beat him up right now" Mr. Evans adds, and it makes me laugh again.

"I mean it though, I would absolutely-" he tries to say, but he gets interrupted by Derek walking into the room. "I'm sorry to bother you, I have a patient with a broken arm and-" Derek tells, but Mr. Evans interrupts him this time.

"Ow! God! I'm in so much pain! Ow! You can't leave me like this! You have to stay here! Ow!" he screams, so I immediately look at him. "What's going on?" I ask, but he just smiles at me.

"All part of my plan, shh" he whispers, and I slightly frown while I smile back at him. "Okay, uh, so are you-" Derek adds, but Mr. Evans just starts screaming again. This happens for at least 8 times, he just keeps interrupting Derek by screaming every time Derek wants to say something.

"Sorry, I can't come with you right now" I say, turning around to look at Derek. "I'll see you later then" Derek sighs before walking out again.

"Yeah yeah, see you never! Bye bye!" Mr. Evans loudly adds while he waves at him, making me laugh again as Derek walks out. "Wow, that was... Wow" I giggle, and we both laugh now.

"I will do that every single time he walks in while you're here" he states, and I nod my head. "Sounds like a plan, I like it. Now get some rest, you need it" I reply, so he nods his head with a smile and I walk out of his room.

- Nine Days Later -

I've been checking on Mr. Evans every single day, which means that I've also been working every single day. I'm exhausted, but I can't let Richard know. I know that he talked to my parents, and they all think I should take a huge amount of time off.

He asked me to take time off every day, but I keep saying no. I can't take time off, it's way too busy at the hospital now.

It's 1pm and I'm walking through the hallway, on my way to check in Mr. Evans for the last time before he goes home. I'm looking at his chart, until someone walks up to me.

"Hey, Doctor Morgan!" I hear, so I look up and see Mr. Evans' brother looking at me. "Hi! Can I help you, Mr. Evans?" I ask, giving him a smile.

"Yeah, um, this place is a maze to me so I can't find Chris' room" he chuckles, making me laugh

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"Yeah, um, this place is a maze to me so I can't find Chris' room" he chuckles, making me laugh. "You can come with me, I'm on my way there now" I reply, so he nods his head and walks with me.

"Are you here to pick him up?" I ask while we walk through the hallway together. "Yup, we're going back to Boston!" he replies, and I feel my heart skipping a beat. Boston... That's a 4 hour ride, meaning that I'll probably never see him again.

We get into his room, and greet him before we get him into the wheelchair. "Do you have everything you need?" I ask before they leave.

"I think so, yeah. Thank you again for everything" Mr. Evans replies, so I smile at him and nod my head. "I will contact a hospital in Boston for your physical therapy once you feel like you're ready for that, and they'll-" I tell, but he interrupts me.

"In Boston? Can't I get physical therapy here? With... With you?" he nervously asks, slightly frowning. "Well, yes that's possible, but since you live in Boston I figured that's I'd be more convenient for you to go there" I reply, and he shakes his head.

"No, yeah, I mean, I'm going back here anyway. I'm here for my job right now and as soon as I can get back, I want to go back. I thought I'd go home now to get stronger, and come back for physical therapy while doing my job in New York" he explains.

"If that's what you prefer, I can schedule an appointment for you with a DPT here when you're ready. You can give the hospital a call when you want an appointment" I say, and he silently laughs.

"Yeah, okay. Alright, but can't I just schedule an appointment with you instead of some DPT?" Mr. Evans asks, looking at me like he really doesn't want anyone else.

"I'm not a DPT, but we have lots of great ones here" I reply. "Right, ofcourse, sorry" he adds, looking a little sad. "Take care" I say before they leave the room, but suddenly, Mr. Evans stops and turns his wheelchair around.

"What's your first name?" he asks while his brother prepares the elevator for him. "Why?" I ask, smiling a little. "Asking for a friend, so that maybe he can find you some day" he nervously replies.

"Ah, I sure hope your friend is nice then" I giggle, and he scratches the back of his neck with a smile. "He won't be able to find you without your name" he adds, making me laugh. "Amelia" I giggle, and he smiles at me. "Wow, that's beautiful. I'll uh, I'll make sure to tell him that" he chuckles, clearly talking about himself.

"Alright, take good care of yourself okay? You don't want to slow down the process" I say, watching him smile at me. "I will, thank you" he replies, and he starts rolling again.

I wave at him and his brother one more time after Mr. Evans ran over Derek's foot 'on purpose', and watch the elevator doors close.

𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙏𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙎 ✓ 𝘾. 𝙀𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙨Where stories live. Discover now