Chapter 1

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I woke up with immense pain in my head and much more pain in my heart. It's like I am living but dead. Life, I don't know what it means anymore... I lost my life the moment I lost my Avni.

My life has become as dark and messy as my room is right now. Everything is broken and fallen apart. The sun is shining... My mom says sunshine is  Ray of hope after night... But, my son is dead... She won't ever come back... She will never give me a ray of hope.

You all must be wondering... Why am I still alive when I have no reason to live? It's because of my angel... On this night, there is this star which is shining and I never want her to fall... So I have to protect her.
My Alia... My Princess... My Angel...

I got up from the cold floor on which I was sleeping... I was about to fall but I balanced myself. I laughed at my condition... How miserable and lifeless I am without my Avu... I cannot move on... I can't forget her... I don't understand what to do anymore.

I saw a big picture of me and my Avni on the wall... We were together we were happy... I still remember it was our first anniversary and I surprised her by decorating the whole house. It's been 2 months since she died, and these 2 months were like an eternity... Every moment I live without her, I feel like I will die... Even Breathing is difficult for me It is suffocating me from inside... I just to leave this world... Just die... I fell to my knees and I couldn't stop tears from my eyes.

"Siddo, what are you doing? You can't ruin your life like this baby... Drowning yourself in alcohol is not going to erase memories of her. Do you even realise that you have a daughter there who is crying for her father to come and hold her... You have to be strong at least for your daughter." His mom came and hug him.

She couldn't see his son in that state... He was ruining himself. Her heart ached to see her son drowning himself in alcohol, his smile has left since his wife died and nothing could make him feel better. He forgot how to live life. He stopped going to the office, he stopped attending events, he stopped even coming out of his room unless necessary. He didn't care about anything... He started skipping meals... Sleeping was difficult without his wife beside him... He even stopped holding his daughter because she reminded him of his late wife. He stopped living since his heart, his love left him.

"Mom how can I? How can I continue living? I don't know how to live without her... I don't know when she became my life and I just can't imagine my life without her... I feel like I will... I will die..." He said burying his head under his mother's lap.

"I know Ashu you loved her more than anything... But baby at least thinks about Aloo! she is just 3 months old, she needs her father at least. She needs you." Vibha maa said caressing her son's hair.

Her eyes filled with tears seeing her son in this miserable state! Which mother would be happy to see her son like that?

"I know maa, I know... But every time I see her... I feel nothing but guilt that I couldn't save her mother. Her mother isn't with her... If only I had tried hard enough to save her... She would have been here with us... With me..." He says as his voice cracks in middle.

He buries his head in his mother's lap... The pain was too much to handle for him. It had been months but the wound in his heart was still fresh, he couldn't forget that the one he lived for isn't here to live with him anymore. He scoffed at his fate.

"Siddharth... I know you can't forget Avni... No one is even asking you to... I think it's time for you to start living again baby! You can't keep yourself in these four walls and keep mourning. You have to think about yourself, your baby girl. Avni would want the same." His mother said slightly caressing his hair. Siddharth nodded...

"You are right mom... Aliya needs me... She needs her father. My Avni would never want her daughter to live without a father... My Avni wanted to give Aliya all the love, and I would do the same for her. Maybe I can't be a mother, but at least I can be a responsible father!" He said wiping his tears.

He remembered how he and his wife promised little Aliya that they would give her all the happiness in the world. His mother was right he had to move on... At least try living a life... At least pretend to live... For his family, for his princess. She was the only reason he was alive... He had to be strong for her.

"Mom, where is Princess?" he asked his mother.

His eyes didn't have the same glow anymore, his mother noticed, her heart ached. His hair was messy, alcohol reeking in the room, he didn't care how he looked anymore... He was just living...

"in her room..." his mother replied. "still sleeping." she continued as he got up to go and see his daughter finally...

"Hmmm" he just hummed in reply.

He didn't see his daughter for a long time. He loved his daughter. It's just he couldn't dare to go in front of that little angel who should've been in her mother's embrace instead of crying to even see her.

He walked to her room... His knees were wobbling... His entire body was weak. He didn't care!

He peeked in that beautiful pink aesthetically decorated room with so many toys and a small cradle in between. A beautiful angel, her eyes closed, her right thumb in her mouth and other little hand clenching the sheet wearing a beautiful purple dress, her lips joined in a cute pout and her cheeks were so squeezable. She was sleeping maybe dreaming about fairies or her mother... He thought.

He knelt beside the cradle holding a wood. A smile crept on his face looking at his angel sleeping peacefully... She looked beautiful, adorable... She looked like her...

He bends a little to kiss his angel's cheek... "Don't, she is will wake her up. You reek of alcohol." he heard a familiar voice making him stand in jerk.

"What the hell are you doing here? Didn't I warn you to never come near me or my princess" He growled in anger. His face went red in anger and his eyes dark. He clenched his jaw to control himself before doing anything inappropriate to a woman in front of him.

"We can talk about that later... Right now you need to go and wash up, and stop shouting princess will wake up. Next time do not come in her room, if you are not considerate enough to think that she is still a baby." she said casually fixing her hair.

"Who the fuck are you to stop me? Who even allowed you in my daughter's room?" he shouted again pinning her to the wall aggressively.

She hissed in pain as her back touched the wall... She didn't want to look into his eyes... He made her feel things she shouldn't.

"I don't need permission to meet her... She is something to me as well. And I was not sure if I should leave her alone with a psycho, who is literally drowning himself in the ocean of alcohol instead of taking care of his daughter, and still dares to call himself her father." She scoffed In sarcasm pushing him away from her.

He pushed her again on the wall and locked her between his hands... "Last time you came here you took my Avni away, What is your intention this time? Why are you even here, in Nigam Mansion, when you should be partying with your long list of boyfriends! What do you want this time, Avneet Kaur Nandra?" he shouted in her ears making her flinch.

She was scared. Scared of the look in his eyes, he looked depressed and angry. He resented her and she could see it... She felt hatred in his voice, his touch, his everything...

She locked her arms around his neck and went close..."You already know what I want Nigam, I want to make you mine... I want you..." she said in a seductive tone. "Marry me" she whispered in his ear.

Hey guys!

Hope you guys like the chapter!

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Anything about Sid's character?

Anything about Avneet's character?

Will Sid marry Avneet?

What will happen next?

Thank you for reading :)

Love you guys 😇

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