Born of its Flock

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Through his career as a trainer, Ash had been in many a pinch. Plenty of difficult decisions he was forced to make on the spot. None, though, were quite as difficult as this.

The whole horde of pokemon he'd caught over the course of his journey crowded before him. Eyes were fixed on him. Many, many eyes; enough to make Ash dizzy. Some met him with hard stares, others with pleading eyes. No matter the demeanor, each pokemon's demand of him was the same.

Every single one of them wanted to come with him.

"Let's see... for our first round of training, how about... Bulbasaur? We haven't had the chance to train together, in a while!" Ash made his first choice, pointing at the Seed pokemon.

Bulbasaur displayed a glowing smile, his red eyes shimmering with glee. He started sprinting towards Ash... until he was yanked back by a pincer. Corphish had gripped his back leg.

"Do you mind?" Bulbasaur grunted.

Ash flinched. Did... Bulbasaur just talk!?

"Actually, I do!" Corphish grunted. "You battled Brandon, didn't you? Besides, you're supposed to be watching over the laboratory. Ash should take me, instead; you have a job to do."

A vine tied around Corphish's pincer, prying it free and dangling the crustacean by it. "I'm on break. After watching over your antics, I need a vacation."

"Well, if you're treating it like a vacation, don't bother." A large biped stepped out of the crowd, chewing on a twig. "Some of us have taken our improvement seriously. Tell me, Ash. Which one of us took down Darkrai?"

"You, too, Sceptile...!?" Ash grimaced. This was getting out of hand. "You did, but-"

"Oh, rub it in, why don't ya!" Swellow squawked, landing atop Sceptile's head. "At least you GOT a win. I volunteer myself for a chance at redemption. I'll pummel your next opponent into the ground, Ash!"

"Huh? I'm sure you will!" Ash rubbed the back of his neck. "You'll all get your turns! Everyone, settle down, and we'll work this out."

"That's easy for you to say!" Bayleef was up on her hind legs, pressing the weight of her paws against Ash; nearly enough to bowl him over. "Whenever you go on adventures, we have to wait behind for you...! We miss you, Ash; I miss you!"

"Huh!? Bayleef... I'm sorry. I promise, I'll-"

"Take me, Ash!"

"Let's power up together, Ash!"

Ash backed up from the group; he was starting to feel dizzy. The pleas and disagreements were starting to blend. He could hardly make out one pokemon from the next, anymore!




"ASH! Wake up, Honey!"

"Huh!?" A cold sweat. Ash jerked up suddenly... now, in his own bed. Spotting a blurry looking Pikachu, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Delia, beside his elevated top bunk, shook her head with a tut.

"Mom...?" Ash exhaled, shaking his head. That was all just a dream. A bad dream. "What time is it, even...?"

"It's just past eleven; you slept through your alarm, several times over! I shouldn't have to wake you up at this age, you know. You're growing up; well past trainer age, even."

"I know, I know..." Ash absently ruffled the top of Pikachu's head, consoling himself from the nightmare. "I just couldn't get to sleep, last night. I was antsy, trying to pick who I'd bring with me on my training trip."

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