1- favour

487 10 1

Senior year.
It's supposed to be the last year of the best 4 year of your life. I'm not gonna lie the last 3 year were kinda fun. But who know what the future may hold, so I will wait to call it the best years. Maybe wait till I get trough the last one.

Today is my last first day of highschool. I've been waiting for what feels like forever to be able to say that. But today's the day.

I'm quickly checking my outfit in the mirror for the last time because I know my best friend is waiting for me outside. Who I know? The bitch has been calling me for five minutes and woke up the entire neighbourhood while honking. She even puts a rhythm in her honks. Crazy girl.

Emma's car is sitting on my driveway when I head out my front door where she is very patiently waiting for me.
Note the sarcasm.
The girl has absolutely no patience, unless your name is James Wilson and she's been in love with you ever since you guys met, but that's something for later.

'Hurry up and get your ass in the car! How hard is it to be ready on time?'

Yeah... let's just say mornings are not my favourite and I don't like being rushed.

'Alright, alright I'm here. Good morning Em.' I say while stepping in her car and placing her coffee in the cupholder. Em glances at the coffee and smiles. 'Your an angel Phoebs.'

'I know I am'

Emma and I have come up with an arrangement, ever since we met since freshman year I owed her a coffee for everytime I was late for something. Which eventually developed into everytime I made her wait in the car. Which became a habit so now I make it every morning. My coffee is just oh so good according to the one and only Emma Moore.


Once we arrive on the school ground it's just weird how everything becomes a habit again after 2 months of being away from this place.

Get out of the car, greet some fellow student, get to your locker and meet our friends. Feels just like we did this yesterday.
It's what we do everyday. When I was younger the first day of the new schoolyear always seemed weird but as me and Emma found ourself our almost always nice group of friends it just feels like any other day.

Fortunately me and Ems locker are close to eachother. We made sure of that after freshman year, where we had to walk to the other side of school to get from one to the other.

Once we arrive at our lockers the boys are already there, messing with one another. James Wilson and Corby Copper, our friends. We first started to hang out with them because Emma had and has the biggest crush om James, so I did Em a big favour and socialised for once.

'There are my favourite girls in the world' Corby yells across the hall and wraps his arms around our schouders.

Corby is like a little kid is a big ass body so it wasn't hard to get along with him, he's a raging sunshine but I suggest keeping him at your good side because he can becomes a thunder cloud when he's mad. And believe me you don't want that. Standing at 5ft11 he's a good 6inch taller than me so luckily I've never had to experience his anger pointed toward me because that shits scary as hell. He's like a gorgeous soft bodyguard with his fluffy blond hair, striking green eyes and a jawline to die for. And if you thought that the boy couldn't get any better than u thought wrong. Corby isn't only amazing as a friend but he's the 1st libero on our highschools volleyballteam.

'Morning Phoebs, morning Em' James greets when he finally caught up with Corby. Adding a little smile when he sees Emma blushing.

And there is James, Emma's love of her life. So she says. Like the 10 other one before, but those crushes only lasted a few week tops, James' kinda stuck around longer. Like 3 years longer. But I get it, I mean the guy is a fine specimen. He has this beautiful light brown skin colour which complimented his intense blue eyes and short curly dark hair. At least my girl has taste! James a big softy too, if he want to. The guy is crazy smart and played the piano since he was eight. He's kind of a old soul mixed with the attitude of his sportsman friends.

That our tiny little friend group, without them I don't think I could handle this school. Sure I don't mind it, but they sure make it better.

Ohh and with the two boys we also had to take in Matthew Rogers, he's like a part of our friendgroup but we don't like him. I mean I don't like him. He's like the boys baggage that we have to include. Nobody else has a problem with him, but I do. Like he has a problem with me. He's just an ass. Plain and simple an ass. And as much as we try to keep the banter to the minimal it usually never works, just like today.

'Look who finally decided to show up. Morning Loser, and goodmorning to you Em.'

This right here is the reason that I have to remind myself that I'm doing this for Em. I am doing her a favour. God it is a big favour.

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