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"Ahhh" Kat and I screamed in unison as Jules sat rocking our cart on the Ferris wheel. "Stop rocking it" Kat laughed as I held onto the bar for dear life.

"That was scary" I laughed as we got off the wheel and went to look for another ride.

"So I seen you and Fez are hanging out a lot more, why didn't you come with him tonight" Jules prayed for information. I knew she knew more that I'd been telling them because Rue would 100% have told Jules.

"We had sex" I blushed as the 2 girls grabbed my arms screaming.

"No way!" "Was it good?" "How big?" "Did you's do it again?" The questions kept coming as I laughed at their excitement.

"We've been doing it since the first time" I answered as if it was no big deal but inside I was screaming like a school girl. I've fancied Fez for a while now and since we've been hooking up I've never been happier. "And he is quite big" I whispered the last part with a giggle.

"So why aren't you's together now?" Kat asked and to be honest since Rue had make that scene yesterday it's been awkward.

"She didn't mean anything she said" I whispered as I wiped a tear from my eye. Rue has been my best friend since elementary school, seeing her like that upset me a lot. She's so dependent on drugs I have never seen her acting like that.

"Maybe you should leave, she's gone now" Fez spoke walking back to the kitchen and grabbing himself a beer out the fridge.

"But the movie"

"Just go home y/n"

"Is this because what she said? I do love you Fez" I stepped closer to him but he walked around me sitting back on the couch. I scoffed putting my shoes on and walking out the door slamming it behind me.

I've not spoken to him since but I didn't want to tell them why because that's Rue's business not mine. "He's working" I smiled trying not to show that I was upset. We got in the line for another ride.

"Wait here" Jules said as she walked off from Kat and I leaving us next in line. I looked over to where she was going and seen Rue. I wanted to talk to her about last night but now definitely wasn't the time. I seen Maddy storming passed looking pissed off so I decided I'd go catch up to her as I didn't feel like going on anymore rides. Thinking about Fez and what happened yesterday put me in a bad mood.

"Wait y/n! Where you going?" Kat asked as the line started moving and she got on by herself.

"Maddy! Wait up" I called after her, I came with Kat and Jules so I hadn't seen her all night. She was dressed in a revealing purple 2 piece and looking amazing. "Girl you look hot" I complimented her as we continued to walk to where she was going.

"So not like a hooker?" She asked looking pissed off.

"No?" I said almost as a question. Before I could ask Cassie walked up to us she also looked pissed off. "You not having fun?" I asked her as I seen the tears filling her eyes.

"No" she shook her head looking at Maddy and I.

"Me neither" Maddy crossed her arms then she started to smirk. Brilliant, Maddy was getting an idea and this can't go any other way but bad. "Wanna do Molly?" She looked between Cassie and I. I haven't done Molly since before summer.

"Yes" Cassie smiled. So that's it I'm doing Molly. I know I shouldn't do it just because they are but this night is slowly turning to shit so. Might as well. We walked up to Fez who was sat handing out the tickets for the pretzel van where they were selling the Molly.

"Where's Molly?" Maddy stood in front of Fez with her hand on her hip looking like a boss bitch. I love Maddy, she's always so confident.

"She's at the pretzel stand" Fez ripped off a ticket as he looked at me, I didn't smile like I usually would I just grabbed the tickets and walked away.

"What was all that about?" Cassie asked looking over at me as I just kept walking to the truck.

"What was what?" I asked playing dumb. They definitely felt the tension between Fez and I which even I don't get why it's like that. We were good till he made me leave last night.

"Are you and Fez a thing?" Maddy smirked and I just walked up to the pretzel stand.

"Welcome to pretzel mania can I take your order?" Ashtray asked from the truck where he stood looking bored. I handed him the ticket "how many pretzels do you want?"

"We don't eat carbs" Maddy scoffed making Cassie giggle.

"3 please" I smiled sweetly. I mean I've got nothing against Ash except the fact that his brother is a dick.

"That'll be 40" he took our money and walked to the back of the truck to grab our orders.

"So you think Nates cheating on you?" Cassie spoke across to Maddy who was stood the other side of me.

"I don't even know he's just acting very weird lately" she sighed looking at us. They break up nearly every other week but this seemed like something different. She seemed genuinely unhappy.

"Have you looked through his phone?" I asked and she just stared at me then Cassie to see what we'd say.

"I've never not gone through someone's phone" Cassie spoke up.

"You bitches are my sole mates" she smiled at us as Ash handed our pretzels over. "Thank you" we said in unison as we started walking away. We took the small bags of drugs out the pretzel and put them down our bras.

"Yo what's going on with you and McKay I thought you guys were in love?" I asked as we threw the pretzels away in the bin.

"Nate asked McKay if we were in a relationship and McKay said that we were just chilling" Cassie scoffed as we walked around trying to find a private place.

"Honestly?" Maddy asked and Cassie nodded. "Fuck men" Maddy said with passion in her voice. We were just 3 girls with boy problems. "So if I tell you guys something you swear on your lives you won't say a fucking word?" Maddy asked Cassie and I.

"Yeah" we said in unison and stopped walking when we noticed Maddy had. We turned to look at her as she started to speak.

"I went through Nate's phone. And it was weird" she emphasised the word 'weird'. She explained how she found loads of different pictures of dicks on his phone and how they weren't his. Cassie and I were both in shock, Nate Jacobs is gay? What the fuck

I'll do a part 2 as this is a long chapter

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