Day 2nd- Fasting

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My day two in fasting is very powerful. The more I am hungering my stomach, the more my spirit was lingering to Christ.

To be honest, I am thin and not physically fit. My parents want me to stop fasting coz I'm too thin and pale, I don't need it. They aren't as faithful Christian as I am, so I do understand that they won't understand me.

" My FAITH is fit to fast"

Fasting needs faith in your provider. Fasting is leaving worldly things for a while and spiritually battling for Christ.

I have been tempted to eat food but God, always reminds me that we are not only be fed by bread but also by the word of God.

Matthew 4:4
But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'"

Jesus has already conquered Satan and I know, I can too coz the Holy is with me and Christ is guiding me.

I am physically hungry but my spirit was fed by the scriptures and the Godly movies I am watching. Truly, the spirit was willing but my lowly flesh is weak but my God is my courage and I know I am in triumph!

I'm a little bit dizzy coz it is my first time doing this full fasting and currently, I am busy working as an English as Secondary Language Teacher for Chinese students. Fasting is no joke. I went to the water station to fill my container and I just realized, the water I am holding is Christ, I no longer need food for he is eternal water and with him, no one will ever feel thirst again.

In just two days, I can slowly feel the changes in my life. I no longer open my social media and focus on meditating. I shall seek Him before anyone else.

Whenever I feel hungry and my stomach growls. I smiled, closed my eyes, and say "My Lord, I don't deserve you're sacrificing, for I am truly a sinner but my Lord, this is the way I thank you and my way to draw closer to you. Your sufferings, right now, I am taking my parts. Guide me not to be tempted but to lead by your spirit.". - Amen.....

My body is weak my God but my spirit is strong. I'll fight with your angels in the spiritual realms and find victory! I won't lay my hand down as Moses does, I will keep the FAITH for I know they'll be growth for me, they'll be a healthy life, they'll be a success on me and they'll be a revival!

To those who are currently fasting like me.

Deuteronomy 31:8
The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

God fights ahead of us. Don't give up and put a smile on your face as you fast.

Matthew 6:17-18
But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face
so that your fasting will not be noticed by men, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you...

Keep your head high. God is fighting with us. They'll be temptation and trials but God allows you to the wilderness coz it might be dark for in the darkness, He will perform impossible things to happen happens.  REJOICE! You are not wasting anything coz you are winning everything. Humble yourself for He sees and will lift you.

√ If you read this...
It is not an accident.
God allows it to happen.
Bless you, with love, peace, and courage......

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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