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Seokjin's pov

The ticking of the big clock, the rustling of rats in glass containers, and the low humming of machines were all he could hear. Actually, this was all he was forced to hear all his 17 years of existence. Everywhere was dark and he was sitting in a corner where he always sat. He liked corners as they protected him and he felt safe in the corner. He watched those rats who appeared to be fighting with each other or playing he didn't know. They were playing together but he never had someone like him to play with him. He didn't know he could play with other people as he was terrified of other people.

 He had never been out of that door from where those people wearing white came. Those white people always were angry with him. He didn't know what he did but they were always angry. When he was young he sometimes tried to escape from this place but every time he was found and he was beaten badly. After 4-5 attempts he lost hope that he could ever get away from this place. He couldn't do anything to protect himself from those scary people who beat him up on a daily basis, always poking some pointed thingy in his arm and it came back red and stung his arm. He observed them from time to time and saw they made weird sounds from their mouths and other person seemed to get that too. He couldn't make sounds like that from his mouth, but he had picked out some words as they always pointed at them when they said so he knew what those meant. All he had was the voice in his head. He didn't know what the voice said but it sounded, very sad. He wanted to make those weird sounds from his mouth too and make the voiceless sad but he didn't know how so he just listened. 

Now-a-days they were more agitated than normal and that was saying a lot as there was never a time they were not frustrated. He didn't what he was doing in that place or how was he related to these people as no one had ever told him who he was, or what was he supposed to do. He didn't know what they wanted from him either. Today they beat him for longer than they do every day. Now that they have gone the place again became silent. He again went to the corner he always sat at and huddled in a child pose. He knew it was time for the white hair man to come with food. Soon enough loud voices of the door opening was audible and he put his face under his hands so the man leaves quickly. Every day that man comes, leaves his food by the door, and leaves quickly. He gets a little confused about this man as like everyone else he doesn't hit him or make the red thingy come out of his body. 

But today the man did not leave quickly. After leaving the tray he was standing at his spot for some time as if he was contemplating something, then he started moving towards him. He was terrified as he thought that this man has also gone bad and now he will also hit him. The said man stopped in front of him and crouched down to come to his eye level and raised one of his hands towards him. But instead of hitting him, that man was slowly patting his head, using his fingers to massage his scalp and remove the tangles from his hair. His eyes widened as no one had ever done something like this for him and whatever the man was doing felt so good. All the others who came close to him only made it hurt but his man was making him feel so relaxed. Soon enough his eyes started getting heavy and his head dropped on the shoulder of the man who in long had shown him that people can touch him without hitting him.


Author's pov

Watching the kid sleeping peacefully on his shoulder nurse Donghyun felt even more sorry for the boy. He looked so innocent and defenseless. He scooped him in his arms and surprisingly the kid was light as a feather that even a 50+  man could easily lift him up. He carefully laid him on his bed and watched him sleep. He scanned the surroundings and was heartbroken to see the conditions the boy was living in, he normally was not able to stop and see the place as the guards told him to come out as soon as possible but today only one guard was present and he was sleeping so he used that opportunity to actually see the boy. He looked younger than his age with those doe eyes and plump lips. He sure was very handsome, a type of beauty he hadn't seen normally.

 The kid was so surprised when he patted his hair as if bewildered by what was happening to him and he slept right after. How much violence the kid had seen to react like this to a simple gesture of affection. The kid who ought to be out enjoying his life, going to school, making friends, and getting love from his parents was struck in this dimly lit place getting experimented on like a lab rat. He was angry at his parents who gave him up just because he was supposed to be presented as a Trueblood alpha, weren't parents supposed to love their child unconditionally then why was this kid met with such a fate. He was mad at people who took to experiment on him too as they destroyed his childhood and now his youth too for whatever agenda they were trying to achieve. Most of all he was mad at himself who after knowing what was happening was absolutely wrong was not doing anything. He kept his family first and in turn made this kid's life a living hell. But now enough was enough, he was getting retired in a few days and he had made a plan which was a bit risky but if everything went according to the plan he would surely free him from this wretched place. 

Hello my lovely readers. I updated after so long I know but I was hella busy and I couldn't write. But I ma back with a new chapter.
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