Hockey Night

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This is my favourite thing I have ever written. I'll be honest, I get kind of descriptive with the hockey gameplay in this.. Im Canadian, what can I say? Haha im joking, but I do get pretty into the game in this one. Feel free to skip it, there probably wont be a whole lot of actual romance anyways. I will be using their real names in this, though :)

Dylan - Boomer
Luke Brown - Punz
Noah Brown - Foolish
Nick Armstrong - Sapnap
Nickles - Literally just the coach
Phil - Ph1LZa
Ant - Antfrost
Clay - Dream

    Luke pulled the laces tighter on his skates as he finished tying them into a bow. The boy pulled his 'Massachusetts Macaws' number 4 jersey over his head and grabbed his stick, picking up the white tape that sat beside him. He placed the stick between his knees to hold onto it as he began to tape the head of the rod. Once he finished, he flipped it and started to tape the butt-end. When he finished taping, the boy ripped off a smaller piece of tape and stuck it near the cap. He grabbed a marker from his locker and wrote on it. 'Nick <3'. Luke opened the blue locker once again and tossed the marker and tape into it. He picked up the white helmet that sat on the top shelf in the small metal box and made his way out of the locker room and into the stadium.

    He began skating around the ice, shooting pucks here and there. Music blared through his ears as fans screamed in the arena, and Luke turned his head to the stands. The blond boy looked around, his eyes finally landing on the person he was looking for. Nick. He skated to the side of the rink, coming to a stop when he was in front of a little window. He pushed it open and pulled off his glove, stuffing his hand inside with a puck. "You dork," Nick laughed, pocketing the clunky piece of rubber. "Your dork." Luke smiled. Nick chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully. "Whatever. Good luck, I'll see you after the game." The ravenette smiled. The other boy grinned a large grin and nodded, removing his arm from the window and closing it before placing his glove back onto his hand.

    Luke made his way into the center of the ice, stick-handling a bit before taking a shot. He chuckled when he heard the goaltenders -Ants- boyish groan. "Asshole," He heard him mutter. The blond let out a laugh before he was called back to the middle of the ice. The American anthem was sung, and then the Canadian one since they were playing a Canadian team, and then it was time for the game to start. Puck Drop. Some may say it isn't important who gets the puck first, but Luke doesn't believe that. He stood, holding his stick real close to its head, facing against one of the Canadian players. And then it fell. Luke scooped the puck with his stick, flicking it over to a teammate -who thankfully caught it and began skating down the ice swiftly.

    The centerman followed the left-winger, and skated closer and closer to the net. The teammate that still somehow managed to hold the puck passed it to Luke, who shot it at the opposite teams goal. Score. only two minutes into first period and they already had a goal. The blond was being surrounded and engulfed into a tight hug, bangs and taps from his friends gloves rattling his brain. "Lets go, Lukey! only two in!" One of the boys shouted. Luke couldn't help but smile and cheer himself. Hey, leave the man alone. He's a good 'freakin hockey player. I mean, he is a Boston Bruins prospect, so..

    Once the two teams had another face-off, the puck was in the Macaws zone. Luke raced down the ice and straight towards the net, getting checked before he could shoot. He slid across the ice, his stick going one way and him going the other. The whistle blew and he groaned, pushing himself to his feet. His brother and fellow teammate skated to him and began to speak. "Hey, man. You good? Looked bad." "Yeah, I'm fine. Looked worse than it was. Thanks though, Noah." He smiled, wiping a bit of blood from his dripping nose. Noah nodded and smiled softly, skating away. Luke bent to grab his stick, and his eyes wandered into the crowd. His bright blue eyes met a pair of worried orange ones, and he sent a reassuring smile towards the other. Suddenly, the loud over-head speakers came on.

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