The Johto Journey Begins

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Hello there readers new and old! Now I bet those old readers of mine are wondering where that next chapter of 'Next Millennium' is. Don't worry, it's 75% done. I just have the duel and the ending to write, I've just been held up due to things that I'll explain at the end.

Anyway, so yeah! Where did this come from? Well, I've been wanting to write a Pokemon story for a while because I obviously love Pokemon. And I think the irony of writing both a Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokemon story is satisfying. I was also inspired to make this because of JaidenAnimations and her Nuzlockes and Fuggmann's 'Borne of Caution' fanfic. Please go check those out, they are AWESOME!

I also wanted to write this because I felt like a fun Pokemon story was necessary. I mean, how many stories are there where Ash is "betrayed" by his friends and he travels alone. Yeah, none of that. I'll take Fuggmann's PTSD-styled brooding with taste please.

Okay,let's get this show on the road! Please let me know what you think!

The Orre region. The region on the west side of the Johto region's border. It's so close to it, yet it couldn't be more different than it or any other region. Most regions have lots of towns and cities, different ecosystems, and lots of Pokemon wildlife. Orre is made up of mostly desert and wastelands, a few towns, and little to no wild Pokemon. The western half of Orre has some life in its small green forests, but still very little when it comes to wild Pokemon. For years this place was only known to some decent folk, a lot of rough types, and worst of all, criminals.

The criminal groups known as Cipher and Team Snagem terrorized those that resided in Orre. They stole people's Pokemon with their Snag Machines, a type of device that could steal a trainer's Pokemon even though it shouldn't have been possible. Whatever they stole, they turned into Shadow Pokemon. Shadow Pokemon are created when a Pokemon has had its heart closed off due to abuse and experimentation. This would turn them into violent creatures that would lash out at trainers, but they would be stronger, so that was all that mattered.

Finally, enough was enough. An ex-member of Team Snagem, Wes Silvers, infiltrated the Team Snagem headquarters, bombed it, and then stole their prototype portable Snag Machine. After getting away, him, his Espeon and Umbreon stumbled upon a kidnapped girl named Rui in Phenac City. Rui had a special talent where her eyes could detect the rampaging emotions of the Shadow Pokemon. Feeling horrified at the criminal's actions, Rui teamed up with Wes in order to use his snag machine to steal back all of the Shadow Pokemon and purify their hearts using the power of the Agate Village guardian, the Time Travel Pokemon: Celebi. Together after trials and tribulations, they managed to end the reign of Cipher and snagged all of the Shadow Pokemon that they could. But they couldn't stop there. They ventured further into the region to wipe out any remaining dregs of Cipher that they would come across.

Eventually, Wes and Rui Sivers' adventures were over. And another's was bound to begin.

20 Years Later:

Outside of Agate Village, closer to the base of Mt. Battle, is a newly grown grassy plain. In the center of that plane is a ranch house with a Pokemon laboratory built next to it. The house is quite a decent size for only two stories. Surrounding the house are plenty of new wild Pokemon that live out in the wide grassland, or have come to explore outside of the forest or down from the mountain. This house and lab combo is the home of the Silvers Pokemon Research Center.

After their adventuring days were over, Wes and Rui got married and decided to start a family together. But they weren't satisfied with just ending things there. They wanted to restore what they can for the region and the Pokemon that they had captured. Together with their friend Mr. Duking, they restored select areas for wild Pokemon to live and thrive. These spots were also meant to encourage new trainers to stop by and capture the wild Pokemon there in order to get stronger and forge new bonds. This project started 5 years after they took down Cipher and there were only three Poke Spots. Twenty years later, the project has turned into a full blown ecosystem restoration program that has brought nature back to almost half of the region, which used to be covered in 85% craggy wastes and sand.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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