Jase Gets Crushed (The Aftermath)

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Amy was sitting in the kitchen of the turtles' lair, thinking about Jase. He definitely acted strange, she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"What'cha thinking about, Amy?"

The brunette turns around to see April and Donnie walking towards her. Maybe they'll know what's going on with Jase.

"Hi guys. Have you been noticing Jase acting weird around me lately?"

"How weird are we talking?"

"Well, he keeps staring at me for who knows how long; he even gives me these goofy looks a lot too. Then he blushes like crazy and I swear I could see steam and hearts whenever he looks at me. Not to mention the stuttering and--"

Before she could finish, she sees Donnie and April smirking. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"Lia, you do realize that it means he has a crush on you, right?" The soft-shell turtle asks, smugly.

"What do you mean--"

That's when Amy finally snap to her senses about Jase's recent behavior. So that's why he's been acting this way. She then gives a look of disgust, similar to when she found out Jeremy likes her.

"What. the. shell?! Ugh, just great! Now I've two lame tech guys in love with me!" She rants as her friends give concerned looks.

April pats Amy on the shoulder for comfort. "C'mon, girl. Maybe, it's not as bad as you think...?"

The brunette just gives her a deadpan look while Donnie just shook his head. The African-American girl smiles awkwardly before speaking up:

"All right, maybe it is that bad. At least Leo doesn't know yet."

"Oh, he already knows."

The three whipped their heads around to see Leo standing at the entrance with his arms crossed. "I heard everything. And my lady, why are all these guys at school crushing on you?"

"How should I know? There's no way I can be that pretty!" His girlfriend exclaims, gripping her hair in frustration.

April look at her in disbelief. "Seriously? You're not only the toughest girl in school; you're confident, responsible, and smart. You get good grades, always get things done no matter what, and you have great fashion taste."

Amy blushes, slightly. "Thanks, April. Wait, what does any of that have to do with boys liking me."

"Hmm..." April rubs her chin. "I guess what I'm trying to say is...you're not only attractive in appearance, but also attractive by your personality and the things you do."

Her friends just stare, causing her to sweat a bit. A few seconds later, they shrugged their shoulders.

"Sounds plausible."


"That makes sense."

April sighs in relief, then Amy's eyes widen in realization with a look of horror.

"Aw, man. Now that means I have to watch out whenever people try to make a move on me!"

Leo puts his arm around her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek, lovingly. "Don't worry, my beautiful lady. I'll be there for you if anyone tries to steal you from me."

"April and I can think of something to make sure unwanted suitors won't intervene," Donnie adds in.

Amy smiles as they hug. Even though she can obviously take care of herself, she can also count on her friends for help and support.


Meanwhile, at the Purple Dragon base, Jase was hiding. Jeremy had chased him all the way from the flower shop to the lair. Once he was inside, Jase managed to lock himself up inside an empty storage room that they hardly use.

After a whole hour, the bespectacled teen slowly open the door and looked side-to-side to make sure Jeremy was nowhere in sight. He sighed in relief and shut the door behind.

"Hey, future-girlfriend stealer."

Jase froze in his tracks and turns around to see his teammate standing behind him with his hands on his hips. He gulped as he nervously inched away...then runs away again.

He rushes towards the main room, where Kendra was typing on her computer to look for new tech equipment. She jumps up in her seat when her step-brother suddenly barged in.

"Kendra, help me!" He shouts in her face. "Jeremy's about to--"

The next thing he knows, Jeremy grabs him by the collar and brings his fist back.

"Wait, Jeremy! Before you pummel me, let me explain! I didn't know you like Amy until you told us that day, I swear--"

But before he could finish, the African-American teen punched him in the face. He dropped him onto the ground and stormed off.

Kendra bends down, smirking smugly. "Told ya he'll destroy you."

"Not helping."

"Hey, don't get mad at me for being right."

*Finally, this one-shot is done. Amy belongs to Angelxoxo8.*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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