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"I wanna date someone again."

"Dont't you have a girlfriend?" Seonghwa questions while they were packing up their things, preparing to leave the lecture hall for lunch, his lips were glistening in the dim light from all that licking he did minutes ago.

Yunho groans at that, "don't remind me of her."

"You broke up again?"

It wasn't the first time after all, Yunho and that girl, Kim Garam, had broken up and gotten back together many times in the past year. it was getting frustrating by the third time, let along going up to 7 was crazy enough.

"Why don't you just drop her?" Seonghwa asks, slinging his bag over his shoulder, dusting his light blue jeans while standing up.

Yunho groans again.

"She'll keep whining about it. Plus, her father is landlord of the place we're living in, so you're at risk as well if i break her heart," he rubs his eyes tiredly and slams a fist onto the table.

Seonghwa looks at his friend in pity who had started to wipe his eyes, his frustration taking over and making him tear up.

"Oh my, please don't cry," he sits back down in front of the giant puppy who was now starting to tremble, "seeing you cry makes me cry."

Seonghwa wraps his arms gently around Yunho's shoulders and patted him softly, feeling the other's arms wrapping around his own waist not long after.

Yunho snuggles his face into the other's shoulder, his tears soaking through the think fabric of seonghwa's black cardigan. The older pats Yunho's head, trying to comfort his sobbing friend, anything to get that giant to stop producing tears.

They sat awkwardly like that for a few more minutes as more students left the hall, soft chatter surrounding them as some still lingered in there to talk.

"Now I think we're done with today's classes, well at least I am, but do you want to go for ice cream? I'm sure it'll get better," Seonghwa whispered as he detached himself from the hug, pushing down a grimace when he had tears and a bit of drool smeared on his clothes.

Yunho wiped away the remaining tears with the back of his palm before nodding slightly. Seonghwa pulled him out of his seat and handed Yunho his bag. If looks could kill, he would have been dead before Mingi could even say fix-on as Hwayong glared at the duo.

"Thanks...mom," Yunho teased as he pushed in his chair.

"You should be glad I like you, or you would've already been dead," Seonghwa sighs for the nth time, swinging his arm across Yunho's shoulders as they left the auditorium, Hwayong's gaze lingering on him until the heavy doors closed.

"You know..."

Yunho hums as he shoves a mouthful of ice cream into Seonghwa's mouth, "why am i friends with you kids?"

"Mommy's little fan club or whatever," the younger replies innocently while scooping out the last of his strawberry ice cream in the white paper cup.

Right after their little crying montage, Seonghwa decided to bring them to an infamous ice cream parlour located in their college campus to cheer up.

Seonghwa got himself the belgium waffles with some passion fruit ice cream, feeding Yunho every now and then with bites of the fluffy treat and the whip cream that was sprayed recklessly on top.

Soft chatter envelopes the two boys with Seonghwa asking about what to make for dinner and wondering if they were low on fabric conditioner.

"I think we're low on milk too. Yeosang's been chewing his way through our cereal at night while binge watching all seasons of that stupid police show again," the older grumbles, cutting through the last slice of waffle before shoving it between Yunho's cream-stained lips.

Yunho accepts the battercake into his mouth, the tanginess from passion fruit lingering on his tongue as he licked his lips clean.

Seonghwa shoves a mouthful of waffle into his own mouth while still grumbling about dinner.

"How about take out?" Yunho asks as Seonghwa grabs a napkin from the table side and started dabbing it around the younger's lips.

"I'm sick of take out."

"Then cook some pasta or some shit at home."

The older glares at him. "I can't just magically Poof! out a meal for 3 grown adults out of my ass! Plus I said we're low on food? Hello??"

"Your ass? That's kinda su—"

"Do not continue that sentence." Seonghwa glares at Yunho before continuing, "Not to mention, I have an incredible diet and I can and will devour half of what's in our fridge for one meal!"

Seonghwa scoffs loudly while wiping the table with a wet wipe he pulled out of no where as he continued to bicker with Yunho.

"Fine, I'll get the ingredients! You better make your garlic bread or I'm calling the CPS on you!"

The older rolls his eyes playfully before shoving the last piece of waffle into Yunho's mouth. "What they goin' do? I'm not even your guardian!"

"But you're our mommy! I can report you for starving us!"

"I hate you so much."

"Love you too!" Yunho chirps brightly, a silly smile plastered on his face, Seonghwa could even imagine a golden, fluffy tail wagging happily behind him.

Yunho drags the older out of his seat after leaving their rubbish, striding out of the doors of the cozy parlour before making their way to the closest grocery store, seonghwa mentally preparing himself for the sake of his credit card.

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