Chapter 2 - Meet Mina

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Picture of Mina >>

Before Bennett could question him about the box. Seward entered, with a young woman by his side. Mina's blonde curls had been pulled up into a neat bun, her emerald eyes looked at Renfield through thick lashes. She wore a black pencil skirt and white blouse. Seward stood beside her, although he too was young, his head had been shaved of hair and brown eyes blended with his sun-kissed skin. Like the attendants, he too wore a white coat.

 "Renfield. I'd like you to meet someone." Seward gently pushed Mina forward. Mina offered Renfield a small smile walking closer towards him. If only they knew, she had known him since the day she had been born.

 "Mr Renfield, may I speak with you ... privately, please." She emphasised and sat down at the small table beside the window. Not taking his eyes off of her Renfield sat to her opposite.

 "To what do I owe the pleasure," His face was smug. She only ever came to him for help.

 "Glad to see you've missed me," She rolled her eyes.

 "Get to the point sister," he huffed.

 "What have you heard of Dracula?" She said with a pointed look.

 Renfield gasped, "Master," then slapped a hand over his mouth. Mina smirked at her brother's behaviour. She glanced around the room before her eyes returned to his, locking into place.

 "If you could wish for anything in the world," she paused, "what would it be?"

 "To get out of here." Renfield said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

 "I've heard from Dr Seward that you've applied for release?" She took a sharp intake of breath.

 "Correct." Renfield's eyes strayed to where the doctor stood, chatting with the attendants. He shot daggers.

 "Trust me when I say you're not going anywhere," she exhaled with a sigh, "Too bad. I could've done with some help." A small smile spread over his face, she wanted his help.

 "Help with what?" His eyebrows rose with curiosity.

 "To destroy the creature, of which binds you here,"

 As if it was a knee-jerk reaction, Renfield gasped again, "Master."

 He pulled at his hair, "How can I be of assistance?"



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