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   I didn't leave school right away once the bell rung. I stayed, heading from my English 3 classroom to the library just across the Plaza. Most of the students were gone by now, save for a few theatre and band kids who had practice after the 2:40 bell rang.

   The library would be open for another 30 or so minutes, so I could return my book and get the next in the series and get the book report rubrik for his science class.

   When I got to the library almost everyone had left the school and mom would show up soon to pick me up.

   The large room smelled of dust, paper and a scented air spray. I huffed at the smell, dropped my books in the returns bin, and moved into the fiction section of the library.

   I muttered to myself as I serched the shelves for several minutes, seeking out a particular author. I'd made it to my book series when a familiar voice made me roll my eyes and lose my place.

   "So, freaky dreams can read, who knew." A snicker followed the sly comment and a chorus of giggling followed suit like a pack of dogs following their alpha.

  I sighed and re-found my book. "If you want to insult someone, make sure your grades match before calling them stupid." I turned to the shorter, petite, brunette beside me with her boyfriend and their group of yes-men in company.

   Their giggling ceased and a rageful look broughte satisfaction as I went to check out my bool and meet mom, who I'm sure had texted me that she was here.


   I heard the movement seconds before I felt the blow and hit the ground.

   My head vibrated with the combined force of the book and the hardwood floor beneath me. I felt blood inside my mouth and felt it inching into my scalp and through my hair.

   A stilletto heel dug its way deep into my spine between my shoulder blades. I gasped and spat blood onto the floor as I struggled to breathe. A sharp kick hit me in the ribs and I coughed again, spattering more blood on the floor.

   "Hey! Young lady, stop right there and leave him be, or I'll have assault charges pressed!"

   The group of girls squealed and ran like cowards, leaving me to endure a few more kicks while being stumbled over.

   I coughed and worked my way up onto my knees, aching and bruised for sure.

   "Are you okay hun? I'm sorry I couldn't have stopped them sooner.."

  I shook my head at Ms. Keys and hobbled to my feet. "I'm alright Ms. Keys, really. I sort of deserved it anyways. I'm sure my mom will take me to an ER just to have me checked over. I was just going anyways."
  As with many of my friends, my teachers, and my peers, many of them either leave me alone or worry over me, which I'm usually just fine with.

   "Oh dear. Are you sure you're alright hun?"

  I nod and walk to the desk to check out my book. Ms. Keys follows me, I guess to see if I'm going to faint.

   I scan the books under my name and leave with a wave to Ms. Keys who waves back with a somewhat fretful look.

   I left the buolding and trudged sluggishly out to the car to meem mom.

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