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2:15 P.M.

The bell was about to ring and most of the students were standing at the door, waiting somewhat impatiently. Cypress stayed at his desk, his sleeves rolled up and his hands working steadily away at a crochet project that was just on the verge of being finished. He was working the border when the bell rang and sent students into the halls to their next classes.

Cypress sighed and packed up his bag and project and got up. His bag was never heavy as he was a senior and he turned in most of his work online or on paper. Cypress left feeling tired already and wanting his bed. At the same time he was dodging sleep so thoroughly that everyone was beginning to notice.

His teachers said nothing but gave him worried looks and helped as they could to lightlen his load from time to time.

   Usually it was little things like extended time on homework and projects but not much more.

Cypress got to his next class wishing he had some coffee. His teacher gave him a sympathetic look and tossed him a toffee from the jar on his desk. Cypress caught it without trouble and left with a nod to the teacher.

The need to eat made his stomach turn nauseatingly. He shook his head and worked his way through the afternoon school crowd towards student parking where his car was parked.

His stomach twisted. He had to work today. His head spun with the oncoming mental workout of retail management. He sighed and sort of chuckled. More of a choking sound but whatever.

A feeling of unease began to creep up his neck. He shivered despite the 90 degree heat. The air smelled of dying roses and metal. A weary groaning followed him down the hall. He turned in the empty hall.

Standing alone in the hall was a small child, about 7, with long blonde hair that fell past their shoulders. Far too young to be in a high school. "Hey kid! The school is empty! Where's your parents? What're you doing here? Are you okay?" A gentle sob answered him and a little whimper.

"Hey kid, are you lost?" He asked a little gentler.

More sobbing answered him.

Cypress looked a little closer at the child, and noticed how pale and nearly see-through the kid actually was.

"Mommy! Mommy I can't find you! Where are you?" Cypress noted how the voice was pitched. It was definitely a young girl.

The girl suddenly bolted away around a corner still sobbing.

"Hey wait!" Cypress ran after her and rounded the corner to see no one.

"You weren't supposed to see her."

Cypress whipped around so fast his ankles protested with sharp pain.

His deep green eyes met bright violet eyes. Cypress stumbled back and stared up at the cloaked figure with violet eyes.

    A farmers scythe was strapped across his back and he looked sad.

   "You aren't supposed to see us."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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