Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

As I see flashing lights appear I feel someone jump on top of me. I open my eyes to see Harry on top of me, "Thank you" I said while blushing. "Your very welcome" he said back. As we both got up and whipped the dirt of our selfs we, "Now I think we really need that ice-cream!" I say, "Yes we do!" Harry says wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me in close as we walked to the ice-cream shop.

"So, Jade, How old are you?" Harry asked while licking the drips of his ice-cream, "I'm 19" I say with a smile, "Same age as me!" Harry said with joy in his voice.

As we both Finnish our ice-creams we walk back over to the park, this time Harry had his arms around my waist. As I looked for Emma I feel Harry turn me around, he pulled me close as our faces almost touching, "Can I have your number?" He said with a cheeky grin, I grabbed my phone out passing it to Harry and putting my number in his phone. As I give it back I hear Emma calling my name. "Emma! Over here!" Me and Harry walked over to Emma and saw Levi on the floor, "Emma! What happened?" You asked watching Harry bend down to Levi, "We were walking over to that bench and Levi tripped on a rock" she said with worry in her voice, "How is he Harry?" I ask, "He's fine babe, but I think he has Brocken his leg" you here Emma gasp bending down to Levi, "We should take him to a hospital now!" Emma said with panic in her voice. You all help Levi up and take him to Harry's car. Emma jumps in the back of the car with Levi while you go in the front.

You all arrive at the hospital, you and Harry sit down, you watch Levi get taken in for a x-ray. Emma goes in with him and it was only me and Harry. I hear Emma's phone go off, I pull it out of my bag and read the ID, it was Sam, you quickly answer, "Sam this is Jade, and I want you to know that if you ever come near Emma again I will kill you!" I say with a bit of confidence and terror in my voice, "Oh, a scary one too! If you don't shut the fuck up I will get you to sexy" he says. He hangs up and leaves me frozen, I feel a warm hand on my shoulder, "Are you ok Jade? That didn't sound to pretty?" He said looking deep into my eyes with worry, "it was just Emma boyfriend who is terrible to her" I say whipping my tears away, I feel Harry budge closer to me, I put my head on his chest and start to cry, "What did he say to you?" He asked, "He-ee-s gonna get me too" I feel Harry tense up with anger, "You don't have to be scared babe! If he ever lays a finger on you I will beat the shit out off him!" He says kissing your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2013 ⏰

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