Love Again

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Chapter 1: in which Kate and Yelena confess their feelings for each other, but Yelena has something else to confess before it goes where it's going .

I sat on my bed Yelena next to me, I had just gotten back from clint's place and found her here, I didn't question it. She looked upset.


"No I'm not here to kill you, I'm here to mourn"

"You need someone to talk to?" she nodded hesitantly "I'm here, talk to me."

it' took her a moment but she sighed and began to open up

"when I was little, I had to- I had to watch my sister, tortured, Almost killed. I asked Natasha  'как ты с этим справишься?' "

it felt like the wrong time but I found myself asking "Translation?"

"How can you handle it" she said simply "her answer was: If I can still feel it, I know I'm alive. It felt as though she thought she wouldn't make it. Now she's gone and-" she sighed beginning to tear up "Nat was the only person that truly loved me, the one time I felt truly at home was with Natasha."

"Yelena-" I put a hand on her back and began to rub her back

"Kate I don't need you to hug me and hold me and comfort me"

"We both know that's what you're here for"

"Kate stop..."

"let me show you love Lena. You deserve it, You deserve so much love. let me give it to you....... please"

with those words Yelena turned and melted into my arms, tears streaming down her face as i stroked her soft blonde hair occasionally kissing the top of her head. My heart shatters as I felt her tears soak into my (Cooper's) oversized beetles shirt. I wanted to be the one to say it first— at least for the first time in a while— so after a few more comforting kisses and back rubs, I spoke up "I love you, Yelena Belova. and if no one after Natasha has, I wanna be the first to say that you deserve the world, the moon and the stars. And I'm not saying this because I pity you if that's what you're thinking, I'm saying this because I really do love you Belova."

she looked up at my with her tear-stained green eyes and shakily managed to stutter out one word "W- Why?" That- That right there BROKE ME 

"oh baby..." I sighed "Why wouldn't I love you Yel? You're sweet, You're funny, and looks are definitely a plus and you know even though you break into my house- oh wait the accent I love the ac-"

"Do you know the amount of people I've killed? I have taken so many innocent lives and I didn't even know what I was doing." she paused for a moment opening a window for me to talk "it's like you're fully conscious but you don't know which part is you" we ending up saying in unison

"I've heard it all before Yelena. Your past doesn't bother me, I love the real Yelena Belova, not the assassin, not Dreykov's 'defective play thing'. You are you and that is the  woman that I love."


Kate put her finger under my chin and lifted my head looking into my eyes before connecting our lips as time went on the kiss began to get heated and though I felt sort of uncomfortable I didn't want to ruin the moment. that was until Kate started to lift my shirt and I drew the line. "k- kate wait"

"I'm sorry is it too early?"

"not it's not necessarily that, I- let's just say I'll date but more than that is um..... how do they say? ..... not.. really.. my..... thing...?"

"oh, you're asexual?"

"Yes um I do really like you but if it's okay with you I don't want anything more than romantic" 

"Of course it's okay, I myself have been messing around with that sort of stuff."

"I know of nothing but my desire to be with you Kate Bishop"

"That was very Russian."

"Also I know I've been sobbing and pouring my heart out but.... I've been meaning to ask you, Who's shirt is that?"


"Cooper Barton? Clint's son?"


"Why do you have his shir- You didn't have a thing with him did you? Because if you did go change. I WILL GIVE YOU MY SHIRT." I pushed her down onto the couch repeatedly pecking her cheeks making her giggle. "mm mine!" i said after giving her one last peck on the lips kate got the giggles so bad she fell on the floor dragging me down with her. We gazed into each other's eyes soon connecting our lips in another sweet kiss. Nothing heated, nothing uncomfortable, just love.

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