A novel?

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This starts from chap 107

"Young master-nim, it is time to wake up."

Ron was trying to wake Cale up. Cale was curled up underneath the blanket, with even his head covered. On and Hong, who had grown up much more, were pressing down on him with their paws.

"Human, you have slept for 13 hours! Are you hibernating? You are not a bear! Spring is over, so you can stop sleeping!"

Raon, who looked like he grew about 10 cm, urged Cale to get up. Cale, who was rolling around the bed, answered without opening his eyes.

"Haaaa, time goes by so quickly."

It was already late spring.
It was time for him to head to Ten Finger Mountain, the location of the final ancient power.

"I want something simple, Ron"
"Yes, young master-nim"

As Cale and the children, as well as with Ron, a blinding light suddenly came to them. Ron quickly gets a dagger out of his pocket and comes close to Cale. After the light got out of their sight, they were in a room with many people.

There were 23 people inside the room including Cale. He can name them all except for the 8 people. There are Cale, Ron, Beacrox, On, Hong, Raon, Choi Han, Rosalyn, Lock, Alberu, Mary, Paseton, Witira, Archie, Toonka, Litana, Billios, and the eight he doesn't know. One there is 3 blonde hair but the other one was much more majestic than the two. One with light gray hair, a blue hair, and a purple-haired guy.


Cale waved at Choi Han for Choi Han to know that he heard him but Choi Han took it as an order to get close to him. Cale just let him do what he wants and observe the surroundings. There are exactly 23 chairs and a big screen like in the cinema.

"Welcome everyone!!"

A voice suddenly appeared. Everyone shut their mouth and observe where is the voice coming from but they can't figure it out.

"Who and where are you?" Cale asked

"I am just a wanderer, just call me Daril. I jump through dimensions to tell them what are their futures and pasts. Of course, not all the dimensions I went to, did I do this, it's because it is you. As for where am I, I am in the control room."

"Daril-nim, as you said earlier, you are going to show us our past and futures, but how about our present? Did our time stop while we are in this?" Alberu asked

"The time in your world stopped so don't worry. As all of you are calm, I will now state the following rules that you need to follow." The voice paused. "Ehem... Number 1, no fighting and don't destroy the furniture in the room even if there are only chairs and a screen. Number 2, some of your secrets might be revealed so for the others be understanding and let the chapter finish or let the person explain first before judging. Number 3, there are 30 mins breaks per pick so feel free to talk and clarify your misunderstandings at the given time. Number 4, all of you can pick chapters from 1 to 776, you can pick up to 5 consecutive chapters. Number 5, the most important rule, enjoy and please give ratings after our event. Any clarifications?"

"You said chapters are we going to read a book?" Cale asked

"yes," Daril said.

"If we asked for the past or future, can we say the scene and you'll give us the chapters we can pick on?" asked Choi Han

"Of course, I'll be happy to guide you all"

"Any more questions? ....... As no one raised a question, I'll give you 30 minutes to familiarize yourself with everyone. I'll be back after! Enjoy- oh! and I can there are foods here so pick which you want." and the voice shut.

"Haaaah, how many times am I going to get myself in trouble?" Cale mumbled which got heard by Choi Han "Don't worry Cale-nim, I'll protect you."

Cale can see Alberu going to the front.

"As Daril-nim said to familiarize ourselves with each other, we should exchange names, I'll start. I am Alberu Crossman, the crown prince of the Roan Kingdom. It's nice to meet everyone who are here, I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

As expected of the crown prince. Alberu showed a sunny smile after his introduction. Cale can't handle the brightness.

"I am Cale Henituse, this is On, Hong"

- Human, I want to say my name too, but I guess not now right?

"Choi Han"

"Ron Molan and this is my son, Beacrox Molan

"I am Rosalyn"

"I-i'm Lock, pleased to meet you everyone!" and bowed

"My name is Mary"

"I am Witira of the Whale Tribe. This is my brother Paseton and this is Archie"

"I am Toonka!"

"I am Litana, the Queen of the Jungle. Nice to meet you again, young master Cale" Cale just bowed to her

"I am Billos"

Cale all knew them so he didn't listen to them and waited for them to say their names.

"I am Jack and this is my sister Hannah, we're the Twins of the Sun God"

"I am Bud Illis and this is Glenn Poeff, we're from the Mercenary Guild"

...... A little time before someone said their name

"I am Fredo Von Ejallen"



"Everyone! 30 minutes have passed! Who wants to pick a chapter first?"

"I want to go first," Choi Han said

"What chapter do you want to see?"

"When I met Cale-nim, from then 5 consecutive chapters"

"I'll be giving you chapters 6 to 11, is that okay?"


"Then, Chapter 6 to 11, let us start."

There is suddenly text on the screen.

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