The Husband

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"Thank you, Mr. Logan Lee," Su-ryeon repeated her thanks.

"No need to mention it,"  Logan warmly said. "I must be going then."

"Seol-ah, have you seen appa?" Seok-kyung asked.

"Appa's missing too?!" Seol-ah's eyes widened.

"Yes," Seok-yung gravely answered. "Hey, Mr. Logan!" she called out to Logan before he got farther away.

"Seok-kyung? What are you doing?" Su-ryeon asked her daughter, bewildered as to why she called Logan back.

Seokkyung ran toward Logan.

"Hey, Mr. Logan. Sorry to disturb. I'd just like to know if you have seen our father, perhaps?"

Seokkyung quickly brought out her phone and showed her their most recent family photos.

"He got separated from me and eomma in the cruise ship as well," she explained to him.

Logan looked at the photos attentively.

Suryeon and Seol-ah caught up to where they are.

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen your father," Logan slowly shook his head.

"Oh," Seok-kyung said defeatedly. "Thank you for answering my question."

"Appa!" Seol-ah broke down in tears.

Hearing what Logan said and seeing her daughter like this, Suryeon couldn't help but cry as well.

Seok-kyung hugged them both.

Logan pulled out his handkerchief and delicately gave it to Suryreon.

"I'm sorry," he told them.

Suryeon nodded and wiped away her tears.

"If I get any news about him, I'll let you know. I hope that could help..." Logan offered.

"Thank you, oppa," Seol-ah said while drying her tears.

"Yes, thank you," Suryeon said. She and Logan exchanged contact information just in case Logan would need to inform her.

They thanked him again before he left.

The trio continued their search.

But they did not find the father of their family.


Suryeon could not sleep the days after. Her daughters hugged her close on each side as they slept fitfully. Seol-ah needed to be comforted, especially after what she had gone through. However, Suryeon could only close her eyes and hug them but could not sleep properly.

She could not sleep due to not knowing what happened to her husband.

Five days after, the authorities informed Suryeon about her husband's whereabouts.

Suryeon dropped the phone.

Her husband did not survive.

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