Chapter 1: interesting

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*Y/N pov
    Home sweet home huh? I gazed at my new house; it's not that big but it's better than the old one. The house was advertised as 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. We wouldn't need much else in a four person house.

"Hey, you ready to go in?" My mom called from the door holding various boxes, snapping me out of my thoughts. My younger sister already ran in and is probably headed to her room. When walking in the entire house was completely barren with "agreeable-gray" walls. Damn the last owners cleaned this out well.

"Hey, I'm gonna go look at the rooms okay?" I walked upstairs, not waiting for an answer.
At least the walls in some of the bedrooms were more creative than grey. The walls in the room I'm supposed to take are yellow. Not really my type of color but I can always repaint it later. Honestly I'm so goddamn tired right now I could care less if I had to sleep on the floor to get a good nap in right now. Mom and dad can take care of unpacking right now; the move from (home country) was too much.
    I can probably take 5 minutes to rest and then go help right?

*Dee pov
    The loud noises across the street is pissing me off. I hate how well you can hear the outside from my room. I get out of bed, kicking a guitar out of the way, and head downstairs.
"Hey dad?"
"Yes Dee?" Even though I'm not in front of him I can almost hear the smile in his voice. He's baking something even though he hates them for health reasons.
"What's with all the noise outside- did someone get run over or something?" Dad laughs at my question.
"Oh no, a new family has just moved in across the road! I'm currently making them a welcoming gift!" ...great. They probably have really young annoying kids like those 12 year old girls I see who have weird crushes on me. I am in no rush to meet some weird family anytime soon so I start heading back up-
"You are coming with Dee."


Excuse me?

"It is only proper, I heard they have a child around your age as well. The rest of the family will be coming with us and we will invite them over if they want anything." Dad responded almost instantly as if he could read my mind. I let out a deep annoyed sigh. Whatever, at least I can probably get money off helping this kid in school.
I walk upstairs to put on makeup and some decent clothing. I'm gonna have to ask dad to get me some more makeup remover soon. Maybe I'm just being a dick and this kid isn't that bad, but knowing the stupid people alive right now I wouldn't be counting on it. After around 20 minutes I head back downstairs. Mom and Heavy look ready enough and dad is sitting there with his weird ass smile. I pull on my shoes and start walking.
    At least this'll be interesting right?

*y/n pov
    I woke up to a jab in the stomach.
"Ow- What the fuck?!" I wince in slight pain.
"Someone is at the door, go answer it!" my little sister Emily says giving me another kick. I turn over, still groggy.
"Get mom or dad to do it Emmy I'm tired."
"They're setting up my bed, now get up!" she says, kicking me another time with a word emphasis for good measure.

I draw out a long sigh being as dramatic as possible. I check the time and it's 3 PM anyways. As I rise with a groan Emmy looks satisfied with herself. I roll my eyes and start walking downstairs. My short hair is defying gravity because of how I slept and I have carpet marks on my face but who cares it's probably just more moving trucks.
With a yawn I open the door.
"Yeah, yeah, we got it you don't gotta fucking ring the doorbell so m-"
That's not moving people.
That's our neighbors.


"Sir I am so sorry I had just assumed you would be more moving trucks! Is there anything I can help you with?" Looking up I see a tall and lanky man smiling as I try to fix my hair and rub the carpet marks off my face. He's smiling so hard it's kinda creeping me out not gonna lie.

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