𝗷𝗶𝗯𝗼 | i bite

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Ship: JiU, SuA
Members Are:
In a Non-DC AU
Categories: Angst, Romance
Summary: The truth comes out about their feelings towards each other during a party game that leaves Minji and Bora stuck together.

Kim Minji had always been afraid of Kim Bora. The girl, though she was in the same grade as Minji at their private Seoul all-girls' high school, was someone that Minji wouldn't even dare to speak informally to. Bora was the head of the dance team, a top student in all of her classes, and seemed to have a constant posse of friends and people who had crushes on her following her like rather pathetic-looking stray puppies. Minji knew that one in particular, a girl in the grade below them named Lee Siyeon, had been rumored to hand-make Bora a chocolate heart for Valentine's day, and Bora could have cared less. Perhaps, Minji speculated, the constant rejections of anyone who dared to ask her out were because Bora didn't like girls, but her bigger suspicion was that Bora was simply uninterested in anything and anyone that was not as good as herself.

Thus were the reasons why Minji had never approached Bora, even going so far as to always turn away when she saw her in the halls so as to avoid getting scrutinized by Bora herself or by the petite girl's clique – until now, that is. Now, Minji was stuck. Quite literally.

"Would you relax? This closet is pretty big, and it's not like you're going to suffocate. You can step away from the door, you know. The air can still get in here," Bora stated.

"Sorry," Minji whispered, shuffling not any more than two inches away from said doorframe and looking down at her feet. She was regretting her choice to attend her classmate's party more and more with every passing second. High school seniors and their stupid party games, she thought with an internal sigh.

The one thing that Minji knew as a fact about Bora was that she was direct, but even still, she was continuously shocked by every words that fell from the shorter girl's lips. "Minji, for God's sakes, I won't bite unless you tell me to. Why are you always so afraid of me?"

"I-I..." Minji stammered. Though her voice was shaking in a way that made it blatantly obvious that her statement was not the truth, she couldn't think of anything else to offer but a lie. "I'm not afraid of you."

Bora smirked as she folded her arms over her chest and dropped her left hip slightly, and in an instant, Minji knew that she had made a mistake. "Then," Bora hummed, her voice suddenly sultry as she spoke slowly, "what, pray tell, is it that makes you so nervous around me?"

Once more, Minji was left not knowing at all what to say. But this time, she didn't need to speak anyways. Bora sauntered closer and reached out, so slowly that Minji didn't flinch when Bora's hand finally made contact with her arm because she had seen it coming so clearly.

"Minji," Bora whispered, prompting the taller girl to look down to meet Bora's gaze.

"Mm?" Minji squeaked, and Bora smirked at the rather pathetic-sounding embarrassment of a response. Minji hadn't needed to see the smile to know that Bora was enjoying every second of the interaction.

"Will you be kissing me before these five minutes in here are up, or will you be pretending for the rest of your life that I don't exist so that I have to continue doing anything and everything I can to get your damn attention, since you're always stuck in your own head?"

"My attention?" Minji repeated back dazedly. "You...want it? You want my attention?"

Bora rolled her eyes, her smile widening as she did so in an expression that clearly displayed that she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Kim Minji, if I didn't want you to push me against this damn wall so badly, I would slap you silly right now for being so oblivious. I hardly thought it was possible to be so ignorant."

If Minji had been able to focus on anything but the first half of Bora's reply, she might have gotten mad at the last remark, but all she could think about was Bora's rather specific wish. "You want me...to..."

"Good Lord," Bora said, her eyes widening nearly to the size of saucers as she studied Minji's face. "You're not messing with me, are you? You're almost as spacey as Siyeon. Man, that girl needs help."

"I am not!" Minji retorted, suddenly finding a burst of confidence. "I just didn't know that you liked me, that's all!"

"Well, then, Kim Minji," Bora began slowly after a moment, and Minji realized as the shorter girl spoke that her voice had returned to its most seductive form, "since you've run out of excuses now, what are you gonna do about it?"

Minji gulped, and before she even knew what she was doing, she put her hand around Bora's throat and pushed the girl backwards until her back hit the wall, her petite hands flitting to Minji's waist as the taller girl leaned down and kissed her.

Bora's lips were soft and supple against Minji's, and she tasted of sweet honey and tart cherry. She smelled just as delicious, like tangy orange laced with the most delicate of floral scents, and Minji felt herself smiling into the kiss as she breathed in deeply. She kissed Bora over and over, wanting nothing more than to hear the raven-haired girl's sweet whimpers and hums of contentment against Minji's lips and to feel her slender fingers pull Minji ever closer as if their bodies weren't already pressed together as much as possible.

As Bora grew louder under her touch, Minji moved onto kissing the shorter girl's neck, her own full lips leaving marks in their wake as they traveled from Bora's jawline to her neck. The black off-the-shoulder top that Bora was sporting, a far cry from their modest school uniforms that Minji usually saw Bora in, allowed plenty of space for Minji to play, and she decided to use that to her advantage. Her teeth skimmed Bora's supple skin easily and she nibbled in a few spots that seemed to be especially sensitive, Bora's reactions giving her heart a thrill with every love bite.

When Minji finally pulled away breathlessly a few moments later, admittedly only out of fear that the door would open and not of her own desire, Bora placed the back of her hand on her own forehead as she caught her breath. "Well, I know that I told the truth when I first got in here," she panted, "but I guess that you didn't say that you don't bite for good reasons."

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