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"I simply do not think it is fair" Freya sighed as she trailed behind Astraea. The older angel's heels clicked as she walked, her footsteps echoing through the pristine white hallways of the temple. "Have you seen Earth as of late? Demons have been wreaking havoc and causing chaos!"

"We must interfere!" Astraea halted, the hallway falling into a deafening silence. Freya took a step back, sensing her disapproval. "I apologize, I-"

"There is order in chaos, Freya" Astraeea replied, glancing at Freya with a warning look. She turned to face her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I understand how you feel, believe me, I truly do"

"But we will not act on our own accord" Astraea dropped her hand from Freya's shoulder, holding her hands behind her back as she stood motionless. "We must wait for the Almighty Father's orders before we interfere"

"But He has been silent for nearly a millennium!" Freya let out a huff, frustrated by the lack of interest her fellow angel showed. For an angel that was tasked to fight against demons, it seemed like Astraea did not care at all. "How long do we have to sit and wait until it is too late? How many more innocent humans have to perish until we are told to interfere?"

"As long as He sees fit" Astraea turned once more, walking down the hall and filling the once silent hallway with the sound of her heels clicking. "I suggest you forget this silly idea of interfering, there will be consequences if you do not"

Freya frowned, pursing her lips into a thin line as she tightly clenched her fists. She let out an annoyed sighed, her mind racing by the minute as she walked the opposite way. She arrived at the exit, standing at the steps that lead towards the temple she previously was in.

Having made up her mind, her armor appeared on her body as she readied herself to descend from the heavens. Her wings sprouted from her back, ready to catch her if she were to fall. Freya stood at the edge of the heavenly realm, her golden eyes scanning the mortal lands below.

With no plan in mind, Freya plunges towards the Earth. With her wings wrapped around herself, she braced herself. As she entered the human realm, her wings spread out behind her. She charged straight towards the source of the demonic energy, ready to cleanse the Earth from evil.

But, for the first time in a millennia, her wings failed her.


"Interesting" Vergil muttered as he stared at his son with fascination.

"Oh, brother" Dante laughs as he sits up, smiling at his older twin. "You cut off your own son's arm for more power, and you still lost"

"Enough, dammit!" Nero shouted, scolding the twins. Nero frowned at them, irked by their seemingly lack of urgency. "The underworld is taking over, and we need to do something before it's too late"

"He's right, we need to close that portal" Dante said as he leaned his sword against his shoulder. "Hey, you lost, so you better do what he says"

"I can still fight" Vergil says as he slowly stood up, placing Yamato into its sheath. "But if those roots continue to spread through town, it'll just interfere with our business"

"Now that's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say" Dante commented as he stood up, following Vergil as his twin headed towards the Qliphoth roots. "Better hurry up, we still got a score to settle"

"Evidently" Vergil agreed, glancing at Dante with a small smile.

The ground shook once more, causing the three to look behind them. A crater was formed at the point of impact, smoke rising deep from the crater. The three Spardas slowly inched towards the large hole, weapons ready should they fight.

A figure dressed in white armor knelt at the bottom of the crater, hands gripping their back. A set of wings were up in flames, causing the figure to scream in pain. The ashes left by the fire melted the ground it touched, perking Vergil's interest.

Soon enough, all that was left was the stranger. Dante was first one to take action, walking towards the edge of the crater and sliding down towards the unknown individual. His twin slowly approached the crying figure with his hands raised cautiously.

"Hey, you alright?" Dante hesitantly asked. Deciding that his brother needed help, Vergil followed him down the crater with Nero right behind him. As they inched closer, they could hear the person muttering something under their breath.

"O my God, relying on Thy infinite goodness and promises," The figure rose from the hunched position, revealing their identity. She looked up towards the sky, her golden eyes glowing brightly as she spoke. "I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Thy grace and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer"

She raises a hand towards they sky, hands caked with ash and dust. The woman collapses, falling onto her back. Dumbfounded, the three Spardas walk towards her, unsure what to do with her. They had countless questions, like who and what she was.

"What should we do with her?" Nero asked, eyes trained on the woman. He crossed his arms, tapping his foot against the ground.

"That would be your problem" Dante said, placing a hand on Nero's shoulder.

"What?" Nero asked, turning to look at his uncle. "Wait, where are you going?"

"We need to sever the Qliphoth roots from the underworld itself" Vergil answered. "Then, we'll seal the portal with the Yamato"

"Hang on, if you do that, you can't come back!" Nero said.

"Why do you think I'm going?" Dante said, nodding towards Vergil. "Somebody's gotta keep an eye on your old man"

"You can't just leave me with her!" Nero said, motioning towards the unconscious woman. "And you can't just expect me to stay here while you both go-"

The ground shook once more, but more violently this time. Cracks started to form, beginning from the strange woman. For some unknown reason, the Qliphoth began to fall apart at a rapid pace.

Vergil rushed towards the woman, holding her close as the ground crumbled beneath them. He transformed into his demonic form, giving him a better chance of surviving the fall from such a towering height.

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