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Like everything else in the room, the ceiling was unfamiliar to her. Freya rose from her lying position as she took in her surroundings. She winced as she sat down, pain erupting from her back. She peered down at her body, seeing her torso wrapped in bandages.

The door to the room opened, taking her attention away from her upper body. A young redhead walked in, holding a small tray. She smiled at Freya as she closed the door behind her, showing that she meant no harm. Soon, the young woman stood in front of her, placing the tray on the bedside table.

"You're up" She smiled once again, holding her hands in front of her. She smiled down at Freya, nervousness evident in her features. "I'm Ky-"

"Kyrie, I know" Freya interjected, looking away from the redhead. She sighed, leaning against the bed frame. "Daughter of Regis and Aulea, and younger sister to Credo"

"I-" Kyrie took a step back, fear striking across her features. She briefly glanced at the door behind her and quickly back to Freya. "How do you know that?"

"I know every single human that has ever lived" Freya replied, as if it were the most normal thing ever. She looked back up at Kyrie, her golden eyes shining. "Both sinner and saint"

"You should eat" Kyrie said as she motioned to the tray on the bedside table. Freya turned to look at it, feeling no sense of hunger. "You were brought in unconscious by Nero and the others"

Freya's eyes darted towards the redhead, eyebrows quirking in interest. She moved towards the edge of the bed, swinging her feet onto the floor. "Is that the half-blood's name?"

"Half-blood?" Kyrie questioned as she watched Freya stand up from the bed. Freya towered over her as she nodded her head in response.

"It was odd that they were unfamiliar to me" Freya sighed as she walked across the room, towards where her armor and tunic was placed. But them being tainted with demon blood explains it.

"Dante and Vergil are half demon, Nero's quarter" Kyrie corrected, carefully watching Freya. She had nothing to worry about since Nero promised her nothing bad would happen. "But they're not that bad, they-"

"Offsprings of two very different species are never a good thing" Freya replied as she started to unwrap the bandages that covered her body. "Demon or not"

"Wait, your wounds haven't-" Kyrie quickly paused she saw her body unscathed, save for the wing-like scares that covered her whole backside. She was quiet, hesitant to speak. "What are you?"

"I'll answer that question once your... friends outside decide to stop eavesdropping and come in" Freya said as she tugged her tunic over her head. She quickly placed on her armor, strapping the metal over her body.

Just as she was placing the last piece of armor over her body, the door to the room opened once more. One by one, the rest of Kyrie's companions filtered into the room. Two humans, a demon and three mixed-bloods entered into the room.

"You four reek of demon stench" Freya's nose scrunched at the sight of the four of them, disgusted by their presence. She rose to her full height, rolling her shoulders as she glared at them.

"People around here usually say hello as a greeting" Nero, if Freya had to guess, said as he crossed his arms.

"I have no intention of being friendly with demons" Freya spat, her lips curling in disgust.

"Great, happy we're on the same page then" Another says as he takes a step closer to Freya. He stood toe to toe with her, in hopes of intimidating her. "Tell me then, did some demon lord send you over to screw with us?"

Freya scoffs, appalled at the accusation. Accepting the stranger's challenge, Freya took a step closer to him. "The only lord I serve is the God Almighty"

"A religious zealot then," Another chimed in, taking Freya's attention away from the man in front of her. Twins, Freya realized when she turned to look at the other man. The only difference between them was he had a more sleek look. "Tell me, which cult dragged you into this mess?"

"I do not belong to a cult" Freya hissed, her anger rising by the minute. "Insinuating otherwise would be a direct insult to Him"

"Delusional and a zealot" The man that stood in front of her chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "How fun!"

In a blink of an eye, the man was flung across the room. He crashed through the wall, landing right outside of the building. Freya summoned her sword, ready to fight. She was then pushed back by the other man with his own sword, pinning Freya against the wall.

"I'll purge this world of evil" Freya snarled as she kicked him by his stomach, pushing him back by a few meters. "Starting with you four"

Freya charged forward, swinging her sword violently towards him. But just as her sword was about to slice him in half, the quarter-blood joined in. He was much younger than the twins, but just as strong. He matched her energy, enthusiastically fighting against her attacks.

Annoyed by the boy's interference, Freya decided to step back a bit. She stood on top of a building as held her sword tightly, carefully watching her opponents. They stared right back at her, both sides waiting for the other to attack.

"Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit" Freya raised her sword towards the sky, her entire being glowing brightly. "As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end"

A glowing orb appeared at the tip of the sword, the energy growing the longer Freya held it there0. Freya pointed her sword towards her opponents, ready to defeat them with her faith in God.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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