Part 2

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When I arrived in Lexington, I was so tired. I found a hotel and went to sleep after a shower. I wanted to move first thing in the morning, but I had a nightmare. I couldn't sleep after that. So I had to stay for another day here.

I wasn't in a hurry, so I went for a walk. I found an old bookstore; it was a fantastic place. I haven't seen anything like it before. There were books everywhere, but new books and older books. It reminded a library more than a bookstore. I stayed there for two hours. After that, I walked into a park and visited a cafe.

On my way back, I bumped into someone. "Sorry." "It's okay." He looked at me, "have we met before?" I looked at him; he was that guy from a diner on the road, "no." "Are you sure? I think I have met you." "I don't care what you think. I have to go now." "Wait. I am Eli. Maybe you would like to have a coffee with me?"

I fake smiled at him, "thanks, but no thanks." I turn to leave, but he grabs my wrist. "Why so rude? Who are you?" I sighed and pulled my hand away, "sorry, but I am not in a mood to make friends. I won't be here long. Can you leave me alone now?" He frowned, "now I know where I know you. You were in that diner I stopped. You were rude then too." I laughed, "nice; I was rude. You threatened me, and I was rude. You have a too big head on your shoulders. The world doesn't revolve around you, and I have to go. Bye." 

I turned again, but he asked, "who are you? Where are you going?" I looked at the sky in frustration, "none of your business." "Okay, but." "Please stop." "But only if you answer me." I huff, "okay. I'm Dani, and I am going somewhere you are not. Does this answer your questions?" He frowns but doesn't say anything, so I take a moment to look at him. He is tall, has dark hair and dark brown eyes, and is muscular and dressed nicely.

"Dani, I like it. Thanks." "Whatever. I have to go now, so bye."

I move quickly away from him. Fortunately, he doesn't follow. I go back to the hotel and pack my things. I sleep for five hours and go back on the road, and I drive the whole day until I arrive in Raleigh. Then, I find another hotel for the night to rest.

The next day I found an apartment to rent. I didn't have to find a job right now, but I still checked the job offers. After that, I went for a walk; I wanted to see as much as possible. Finally, I found a place; I felt my brothers with me. Pullen Park is excellent, and for the first time after they died, I felt them. I was in tears faster than before, but I was happy I came here.

Next few weeks, I found more places where I felt them. I went to Oakwood Cemetery when I was upset and wanted to cry. After a month had passed, my stepmom called me. She wanted money, but I didn't give her any. She threatened me, but I didn't care. She couldn't do anything to me, after that I changed my number and phone. I kept my brother's laptop and iPad, but I didn't use them anymore. To be safe.

After a month had passed since my brothers were dead, I asked questions. First, I emailed the police detective who was investigating their murders. Then, I searched that box Nathan had left me, and there was a letter for him. I read it and cried after it.

Dear Princess Hailey.

I am so sorry that we had to leave you. I know it is hard for you to understand why it happened, but I want you to know; that we love you, and we are your guardian angels now.

There is an account we made for you just in case. We put all our savings in there for you to use and live a happy life. I hope you are where I told you to go. If you are not there yet, I suggest you move there now. There are keys to your house in Anthony's package, and the papers are in a bank safe. The address is in Declan's package, and there is something else.

We hired a bodyguard for you; you will meet him when you get there. He is good; we tested him. He is loyal, and his pay is taken care of for the next 30 years. His name is Elijah Preston.

Please, take care of yourself and make yourself happy. Then, when you don't turn up in six weeks, Elijah will find you and bring you home. We love you, and we are sorry we are not with you anymore—your Princes.

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