Part 14

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Hailey POV

Two days later, I went downstairs to see how far is our plan. All of the men we would take along to take down the eagle and the parrot talked about the procedure in the conference room. I didn't pay enough attention to that because I looked at the board where the pictures were. I watched one-shot mainly; it seemed kind of wrong somehow.

"Hails, you okay?" Alex asked next to me quietly. I pointed to that photo, "what do you see?" He frowned but looked at that, "what do you mean? It is a shot about the eagle." I nod but don't say anything. Alex looks at me and the photo and walks away. He talks to Nick briefly, who comes to me, "Hails, what's wrong?" I point the shot to him, "do you see it?" He watches the picture with a lost expression. I take the photo from the board and walk out of the room.

I can't believe I didn't see it before. I smile to myself and feel the tears in my eyes. I go out on the patio when Nick catches me again. "Hails, what happened? Talk to me, please." I hold the photo and let the tears fall; I can't believe I found it. Nick pulls me to him, he tries to calm me, but I smile through my tears so big that he doesn't know what to do. "Hails, talk to me. You are scaring me." "I need my phone. Do you know where it is?" "In the kitchen," he answers, and I run inside.

I ran to my phone and dialed a number. "What took you so long?" I smile at that voice, "sorry, I was a bit of a mess." "I know, we are sorry, but we had to do it." "I know, but a warning would have been nice." "Are you mad?" "No, actually yes. Yes, I am mad—you bloody idiot." I yell at him when dad enters the kitchen with Nick. They look at each other like deciding who will talk to me.

Finally, I turn my back to them and speak to the phone, "where and when? You should be here." "I know; we were waiting for the right time. I think we will be there tomorrow, but don't tell anyone." "Okay, I won't but be careful; they are close." "We know; we have been keeping tabs on them." "All of them?" "Yes, all of them. We have more info than a few weeks ago. But, unfortunately, I have to go." "Okay, talk to you soon." "I know, love you. Be safe and erase the call." "Love you too. Bye."

I erased the call right away. I turned around to my dad and Nick. I smiled at them when dad hesitantly asked, "you okay?" "Yeah, more than okay. I am ecstatic." "Who did you call?" I smile more prominent, "sorry, can't say." Finally, "what do you mean can't say?" Nick asked. "Don't be mad, but I promised I wouldn't say anything." "You tell everyone you love them at the end of a call?" I frown, "no, why?" He huffed and walked out.

I watch him walk away in confusion. "He is jealous, he doesn't know who you were talking to, and he may think you may have someone more than him." I frown, and then it clicks, "he thinks I cheat on him?" Dad nods with a sad smile, "I know you are not like that, but that call seemed pretty bad. Go to him; we can talk later." "But," I start, but dad interrupts. "You go to him, ease his worries, but that's it. You don't have to say anything about the call. Go."

I walked around the house, but I didn't find Nick anywhere. So I go to our room, where I see him. "Nick," I start, but I don't say more because he looks at me with teary eyes. I go to him; I take his hands in mine. "Nick, I love you. I am not having an affair. You have to believe me; you are my world. I have loved you from the first day we met. There isn't anyone else. I love you." He nods and pulls me into his arms, "I love you too from the beginning. At that moment, I thought I would lose you again. I don't want to lose you ever again." We hug each other for the rest of the day.

In the morning, I woke up, and Nick wasn't in bed with me. So I went and got ready for the day. I was walking to the kitchen when my phone rang. I answer, "morning." "Morning, open the gate." "You are here; I am on my way." I run out of the house and go to the gate. I check the cameras before I open them. The car drives in, and I close the gate. It stops beside the guard's house, and they exit the vehicle. I ran to the driver and jumped between his arms.

"You are real." "Of course, princess. We are sorry we made you cry. Please, don't be mad. I love you." The other two guys came to us, wrapped their arms around us, and said together, "I love you." "I love you too. But you guys are idiots." "Oi. language, princess." "That wasn't a bad word; you could have heard me what I called you when I learned you trusted the wrong guy. By the way, thanks for telling me that dad is alive." "Aww, you speak sarcasm," said Andy. "I had a good teacher." "Yeah, you did. How are you, princess?" "Better. I have a boyfriend, dad is alive, and my idiot brothers are here for the war." "What? You have a boyfriend." I nod, "I do." "Who do we have to kill?" "What? You are not killing him. You like him." "Not anymore. Who is it?" I gulp, "Nick." They look at each other, then Dec sighs, "okay, you two can date, but if he hurts you."

"I won't hurt her, ever," we heard behind us. Nick was standing there and looking at me. I smiled at him and went to him. "Oi, not in front of us. We may like him, but we don't want to see that," Andy said. "Lay of them," said Dec and Nate simultaneously. "We should go to the house. We need to talk," Dec said, looking at me. "Okay, let's go."

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