Part 1

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You sighed and banged the door behind you. You had enough drama for the day. Jaehyun was out for the whole day hanging out with his buddies. And the only time you crossed each other, he chose to ignore you. He didn't even bother to check on you knowing so well that you're going through a serious mid-life crisis.

Seeing how you got ignored by your so-called love of your life for the whole afternoon, you left his apartment on your own to let your mind be a little less burdened. You thought about spending the rest of the day on your own and doing some self care but not until your friend called and asked you to hang out with them. You weren't thrilled about joining them, but still decided to go along as it was better than overthinking about why your boyfriend hasn't texted you for the whole day.

You get dressed up prettily as you have a lot of time for yourself which was never the case when you get ready with Jaehyun. He is always in a hurry and would prefer you looking gorgeous only in front of him in his own house.

You reached the venue that your friend mentioned before. It was a club, of course! What else were you expecting from them? You saw them standing near the counter when you walked in. You waved at them, letting them know that you arrived.

"Oh my God, Y/n! You look so hot." One of your friends commented.

"Not more than you." You replied to them smiling brightly even though you feel like shit from inside. Your eyes stopped at one particular set of light chestnut eyes in the group. A sigh came out from you internally.

"Hi Y/n." The guy with light chestnut eyes greeted you as he came out for a hug. He was the guy with whom your marriage talks were going on. Both of your parents were good friends and they wanted you guys to take things further than just friendship.

You went for the hug, slightly patting his back. He smiled sheepishly as your eyes met.

"You look absolutely beautiful Y/n." He complimented you. You guys have known each other for so long but the marriage talk only brought more awkwardness between you.

"Really, you look great too." You replied smiling at him, still haven't let go of his arm after the hug.

I'm sorry, you heard someone from behind. You turned back out of curiosity. 

"It's fine," someone replied.

The voice felt familiar, almost as if you recognized it immediately. You looked at the person, your eyes met. 

It was Jaehyun.

You were puzzled seeing him there. This morning before he left he said that he will be back to you in an hour but it's almost 10 pm and he is still hanging out with his friends. 

You wanted to talk with him but he chose to ignore you and walk past you. You were pretty sure your eyes crossed and it couldn't be possible for him to not recognize you.

What was that for? You thought.

All the strings  of your patience broke seeing him act like he don't know you in front of his friends.  

"You wanna dance?" You asked the boy beside you trying hard to conceal the bitterness in your face. 

After a few songs and a little too much drinks made you feel confident enough to dance in the centre of the floor. Your hands slowly dangled across your brown eyed friend's head pulling yourself closer to him bit by bit. You knew it wasn't the drinks, you hardly got drunk, it was just anger, pure anger for Jaehyun for making you feel like this. After a few more dances you turned to walk back to where your friends were sitting.

"You burned the floor." You heard someone saying, you looked up to see who it was. You recognized him instantly, he is one of Jaehyun's friends. You giggled at him while you buffered for a response. 

Out of nowhere suddenly you saw Jaehyun coming towards you cutting through the crowd. He pushed his friend away from your face and grabbed your hand.

"We need to talk." He said in a low but strong voice. A voice he uses when he is trying to show his authority over you.

"I don't want to talk with you." You replied to him, acting as if you were really drunk. He looked into your eyes as he bit his lips.

"You won't want this to happen." He said and pulled you out of the crowd. He dragged you out to the smoking area before letting your hand go.

"What the hell was it?" He asked massaging forehead as he paced back and forth. You don't want this. You don't want to talk with him when all he did was to ignore you. You don't want to take the blame for something that he started. Instead you choose to ignore him and try to walk back.

His hand suddenly grabbed your arm and pushed you towards the nearest wall.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on here." He warned you, as he closed the distance between your bodies.

"I am hanging out with my friends just like you are." You replied, looking away from him. 

His hand around your waist tightened. His eyes look annoyed, pissed. His other hand grabbed your jaw forcing you to look at him. His lips were just a breath away from you.

"No you're not. You're just flirting around with filthy men who were busy eyeing you all this evening." Your lips brushed together as he spoke in his low husky voice.

"At least they're giving me attention, unlike someone."

His jaws clenched after hearing your reply.

" Why don't you have anything to say now?" You mocked him while trying to push him away from you.

" They just want to get inside your fucking pants, Y/n." He yelled at you, losing all of his patience.

" Don't you?" You replied back to him, pushing him hard enough for him to back off. He was shocked by the glare in your eyes. This was the first time he has ever seen you angry. You were one of the calmest people he has ever known. Seeing your outburst like this he froze.

You walked away from the smoking lounge towards the club to get your belongings. You had enough for today. Him and his antics, the marriage talk was already eating your head since this morning and just then your boyfriend decided to ignore you for the rest of the day when you're literally struggling not to break down mentally.

You were waiting in the hotel lobby for your car to arrive. You saw your car stop near the entrance. You were ready to walk out when you felt your hand getting grabbed again. 

"I'll drive you home."

It was Jaehyun. You know anything you say right now will turn into a fight. You were not ready for this, not today, you had enough for today. 

"No." You replied, trying to pull your hand out of his grip.

His face showed nothing, nothing but anger. He was trying hard to get himself together but you made it impossible.

"You're drunk. Where are your keys?" He asked, totally ignoring you.

"Ignore me one more time and I'll leave you and marry the guy my parents choose for me." 

This was the moment when he lost it, all of his sanity went loose on hearing you leaving him. His grip around your wrist turned tighter, almost numbing your hand.

"Y/n is everything okay?" The brown eyed guy asked, walking out of your car. He had offered to take you home since he didn't have any alcohol this evening. 

"No, everything is fine." You replied to him pulling your hand harder from him until you freed yourself.

"Who the fucking hell he is Y/n?" You could now see the rage in his eyes. The rage that looked like it could kill anyone. 

"Who knows? Maybe my fucking future fiancé." You said to him before getting inside your car and closing the door with a bang.

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