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It's been  nearly six months since Naruto's wedding.Shikamaru and Temari were seeing each other regularly .He was visiting her in Suna once a week,and she did the same.But they never really talked things out .Temari still felt like she was between two fires.When she was in Konoha she missed her home ,but she liked being there it was peacefull and calm.When she was in Suna she missed being in Konoha and most importantly she missed being with Shikamaru.For a few days it was Shikamaru and Temari's six month anniversary .He planned a surprise,she was supposed to come to his house.Longer they were together,more frustreted she was.Everytime she would bring up a topic about distance and how she feels about it,Shikamaru would change the subject.She really loved him,but she felt like he was annoyed by her,everytime he would brush her off.And it was just about this subject,every other problem she had she could tell him easily,but when it came about distance Shikamaru acted like he didn't care,or just didn't want to care.

Shikmaru's POV

It's our anniversary in a few days,I can't wait to see my troublesome woman again.I just hope that she won't bring up that distance thing again.I really don't want to talk about that.I know she loves me ,but sometimes I just can't imagine myself married .I feel like marirage would be such a drag,I'm still young,but I can understand Temari .I'm just kinda scared to talk to her about it.I don't wanna lose her.

Shikamaru was walking in Konoha next to the river when he heard a familiar voice call him 

"Hey,Shikamaru!",Ino called him

"Hey Ino,what's up",he noticed Sai was with her,"You two on a date huh?"

"Yea but we were actually searching for you"


"When is Temari supposed to come here.I know she would be here soon,it's your anniversary"

"She should be here by tonight.Why?"

"Sai proposed to me,so we're planinnig simple ceremony.We were hoping you and Temari would come"

"Well,congradulations to both of you.And Sai ,you better keep Ino safe!"

"Thank you,and tomorrow at 6 p.m. at mine and Sai's place"

"See you,we'll be there"

"Good to hear!"

"Well I need to go now.I have to wait for Temari"

"Go,and say hi to her",Ino smilled

As soon as Shikamaru came to gates Temari was entering the village

"Hey, Tem!",Shikamaru called her

"Hey!",they hugged and kissed like everytime they meet each other

"I missed you,Shikamaru said"

"I missed you too"

"How was your journey ?"

"It was good,but I just wanna take a break from it "

"I understand.By the way,Ino and Sai started living together .Sai proposed and they called us on a ceremony.It's tomorrow at 6 p.m.Just close friends and family are coming"

Temari spaced out for a moment.She felt kinda hurt,Ino and Sai were together so much shorter than she and Shikamaru.She snapped out when she realized how selfish she was.

"That's great!I'm so happy for them!"

As they entered Shikamaru's house,Temari felt the calm as always.She loved going to his place and talking to his mother.But thoughts of him not wanting to marry her just couldn't get out of her head.She thought that he was young,he was 3 years younger than her.She didn't wanted to rush things but she didn't know how to react either.Shikamaru as always noticed that she was spacing out.

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