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Annabeth p.o.v:

Percy had just left, I was still in my room, listening to some old Justin Timberlake songs. I rested my head on the pillow and stared at the ceiling. My mind replaying the events of the day. Tracy, my stepmother, would most likely be knocking down my door any minute now.

Right on cue she knocked on my door. My limbs felt like stone, I had barely gotten up from my bed and paused the music before Tracy knocked again, twice as hard this time.

"It's open, just turn the handle." I said.

"So, we're bringing boys over now?" Tracy said as soon as her foot stepped into my room.

"It's for a school assignment, what would you have me do?"

"Oh I don't know? Go to his place?" She said sarcastically.

"Why do you care? I was in my room." I replied.

She didn't answer at first, because normally I don't talk back to her. Unfortunately for her, I had just spent time with Percy, and his personality had rubbed off on me. Also, I was done with her bullsh*t.

"I care 'cause it's my house." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Excuse me?" I was stumped.

This house belonged to my real mother, she had paid for it before I was born, she left it for my dad after she passed away.

"How dare you? This house does not belong to you!" I said angrily.

"It bel-"

"I'm done with you walking all over me everyday. The next time you put your hands on me, I'm hitting you back!" I interrupted her. "Don't raise your voice at me again. I respected you because you married my dad, but at this point, you can both go to hell!"

I stormed past her and bumped into her with my shoulder. I rushed downstairs and grabbed my coat. As I was putting on my shoes Tracy caught up with me. A quick look at her face showed me that she didn't know what to say.

"Where are you going?!?"

"When have you ever cared?" I slammed the door behind me.

It was a good question, because I had no idea where I was going. I just knew I had to get out of there before I completely lost it.

Percy was not a good influence. Or maybe he was?


Percy p.o.v:

When I parked my car I couldn't remember the drive home. My mind was replaying the events from the day, and there was a permanent smile on my face.

"I'm home" I said as I opened the front door.

"Hey honey!" My mom's voice came from inside.

I took off my jacket and my shoes. Paul and my mom were relaxing on the couch watching some TV.

"How was your day, Percy?" Paul asked.

"Good! Yours?" I replied.

"Oh you know, the usual. Happy wife, happy life." He smiled.

"Paul bought me my first designer bag!" Mom said happily.

"Oh? What did he get you?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen.

"Hermès!" She called after me.

"Nice!" I said, "any chance there's some food in the fridge?" I asked as I peeked my head around the corner.

"Of course, there's some spaghetti bolognese in the fridge." She said in her best Italian accent. Which involved some specific hand gestures.

"Thanks!" I grabbed the pan out of the fridge and put it on the stove.

As I was turning it on my phone vibrated. I grabbed it and looked at the lock screen. A message from Rachel popped up.

Hey... can we meet and talk? I don't like ho-

The message wasn't displayed completely. I was not in the mood to talk with Rachel right now. I turned off my phone in case she called and set to work on the spaghetti.


Annabeth p.o.v:

"Oh come on! Percy please pick up." I said out loud as I called him again for the 3rd time. The line didn't ring, which meant that his phone was turned off. I typed a message in case he turned it on.

I've tried to call you, but your phone is turned off. Call me back when you get this.

Luckily, the weather wasn't too bad and I had my coat. I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind. As I walked around town the fresh air gave me a relaxed feeling. All things considered, it was a pretty good day. It was the first time I stood up to Tracy, it was definitely not gonna be the last.

Before I knew it more than 2 hours had passed. I found a nice bench in the town's small park and sat down. Still no reply from Percy. I was tempted to walk to his house, but a voice in my mind told me no. It was too soon, why would I just show up at his place? I wasn't his girlfriend, not after one date and not this late at night.

The bench had a nice view of the main road. I looked up and down the road, not a single car drove past the entire time I had been there. Which made sense, it was already past midnight. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone's notification sound.

At first I thought it was Percy, but it was my dad.

Are you okay? Can you come back home please?  01:04 AM

I'm fine dad, don't worry about me. I'm with a friend.  01:05 AM

I didn't know what to say, so I lied. I was fine and the town was pretty safe, so I wasn't worried.

When I put my phone in my pocket I saw a car get onto the main road. It looked to be a red sportscar. Whoever drove it definitely liked going fast. As soon as the car turned onto the main road the driver floored it. The car came past me with a lot of noise. I sighed as the car disappeared out of my view.

It was getting way too late and Percy hadn't replied yet. I stood up from the bench and started walking home. I hadn't made it 5 steps when I noticed the red car appear on the main road again. This time driving much slower. I lowered my head and walked on.

In the corner of my eye I could see the red car pull up just ahead of me. It wasn't a parking spot so it didn't make sense. As I walked by the car the passenger side window went down.

"Annabeth!" A familiar voice came from inside the car.

"What's up girl? What are you doing out here?" The voice came again.

I stopped and peeked inside the car.


I did it again. Sorry for disappearing again! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Share your thoughts in the comments!




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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