"That was such a great movie, wasn't it?" After she took care of the stress on her bladder. Tenha seemed to be in much brighter spirits. "I just loved the ending."
"It wasn't anything special." Nishiki was on the opposite end of the spectrum when it came to opinions on the film. "And the ending was pretty much exactly what I expected." Of course the romantic pairing would get together and confess their growing feelings for one another. A pretty sappy ending to him. Though admittedly he probably wouldn't want it to be any different. Most people don't want to spend two hours on a movie that had an ending with the couple splitting up. Not unless there was a point to it.
"I bet that's because you were a loser growing up." She mocked him for not enjoying the movie to the same extent as her. "With that attitude of yours, all the girls must've avoided you."
"That's not true." While the part of him never dating anyone growing up was true. Nishiki denied that it was because of his poor attitude. If anything, it was because he made no attempts to pursue a girl as he simply wasn't interested. "I could totally get a girlfriend if I wanted it."
"Then why don't you do that?" She challenged him.
"Well, it's not something you just force..." He quickly lost his confidence when she actually attacked him. "Beside, what about you? You clearly were into that fox boy. Who I might add isn't real."
"All the fox boys back home don't know what they're missing." She spun herself in a twirl to show off her body. Not that there was much to show off, but Tenha thought she was special. "None of them even bother approaching me." Of course, she saw them going after tons of her friends in the spirit world. That would include Kinuko, who rejected everyone as harshly as possible.
"I can see why." Knowing her, Nishiki knew he would never approach her for a date even if someone paid him. At his age, the man understood any woman he wanted to date had to have potential for marriage. This girl was immature, lazy, stupid, and a plethora of other derogatory terms he would use to describe someone like her. In no way could that be seen as wife material to him or any other man around.
"You know what? It must be this outfit." She pulled out the cloth on her to take a better look at it. "I look so old-fashion around here. I bet if I was dressed like that girl from the movie, I'd be swimming in boys."
"Let me guess. You want to use my money to buy some new clothes." He spoke sarcastically.
"You read my mind." She missed the sarcasm and took his arm. "Come on, let's go."
"This is hardly how I wanted to spend the rest of my day." He complained as she led them towards the mall. While Tenha wasn't knowledgeable on where the trendy spots girls went to for outfits were. She had seen some commercials about the mall being the place to be. So not knowing any better, she took them there.
"You say you don't want to, but you're not putting up much of a fight." She told them as they entered a shop.
"For starters, the difference in strength of humans and kitsune are pretty clear." Even if he went at 100 percent, that might not be enough to compete at her at 10 percent. "But I guess it's not too bad to go shopping for clothes." It had been a while since he got himself a new outfit. Not as long ago as something like watching a movie, seeing as he did need to buy new clothes here and there. However, it certainly had been a long while since he had shopped for this stuff with someone else with him.
"Great, I want to look as pretty as that girl." She already went to the racks and hung over some tops to see how they'd fit on her. "You should pick some things for yourself too." Tenha didn't want to leave him out, but Nishiki disagreed on that assessment for once.
I got a Kitsune Caregiver, but...
HumorFor Nishiki Sugai, life consists of working late at the office and not much else. He's tired, bored, lonely, and tons of other unfortunate terms could be used to describe him. However, one day something seems to change when a kitsune named Tenha gra...