- Silvia -

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"Yeah," Courtney slurs, "I had to ditch my lame cousin sooner or later. He's been sitting there all night. Is this vodka?"

He's just right. I won't disappoint Mom again.

He is sitting on he park bench twiddling his thumbs. His blonde hair is cut close to his head but still sticks up at strange angles and his shoulders are hunched slightly. His lips are carnation pink.

I need to do something my mom has been bugging me about all year.

"Hey! Where you going?" Courtney shouts drunkenly, "The party's over here, Sabrina!"

My name isn't even Sabrina.

I ignore her and shuffle over to the bench a little whiles away. The boy doesn't look up from his hands as I sit down beside him.

"Aren't you a bit lonely?" I ask.

He looks up at me, eyes wide. I guess he didn't realize I was here.

"Uh, parties aren't really my thing," he mumbles, sliding his hands into his into the pockets of his shorts.

"You'll probably being going to a lot, considering you're Courtney's cousin. She's quite the party girl."

He offers me a sad, weak smile, "I know."

Courtney is currently sitting on a truck tailgate singing very loudly to herself.

"So what's your name non-party boy?" I grin.


"Jones, my name is Silvia."

"So you're not much of a party girl either then, Silvia?"

"I don't like getting drunk," I scrunch my freckly nose up, "I'm crazy enough sober. But I do enjoy parties."

"That's what they all say, girls, they always think they're so wild," he scoffs, finally saying something remotely non-boring.

Honestly, what Jones says is part true. But I'm a different from other girls.

"I bet you have never done anything adventurous in your life. Don't mock me." I deadpan.

"So? Neither have you."

This guy has fallen right into my trap. He's going along with the plan and he doesn't even realize it.

"Will you go out with me?" I say, attempting to sound completely genuine.

"I, uh, what, I didn't-"

I smile and flutter my naturally black eyes lashes, "Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at Seven o'clock."

"Wait, I didn't-"

"Nope!" I laugh, "No take backs."

He just sits there in a confused stupor.

Mom may think I only care about myself but I'll prove her wrong. By the end of this summer, I'll transform Jones into an intriguing guy. Not the uninteresting boy I just met. I want to make him happy and boring people never are.

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