Chapter 1

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Probably won't finish this story

Nico was hiding under the apartment couch. Batman was beating up his Madre, she was trying to fight back but wasn't doing well. Batman slammed her against the wall, his hand on her neck.

"Don't take me, please"

"The law doesn't change to fit personal needs, you are the 'angel' aren't you?"


"Then you're coming with me" as Batman dragged his mother out the door, Nico jumped out from the couch and Batman stopped momentarily.

"Leave Madre alone"

"You're mother did something wrong, and she is gonna be away for a little while"

"Leave Madre ALONE"

"I'm sorry" suddenly sirens began to howl outside the apartment, what was going on Nico wondered. Several policemen tried to escort Nico out but he bit them.

"Jesus, Ted, this kid can bite"

"LEAVE MADRE ALONE" Nico screamed tears running down his face now.

"My work is done" said Batman, unfazed by the crying child. The police officers tried to carry Nico out but he tore at their skin with his sharp nails or bit them. Finally they got him out and headed towards the police station. The entire ride Nico was screaming in a mix of Italian and English, but he normally ended up screaming "leave Madre alone"

"How old are you kid" said a policeman in a kind voice at the station

"Where is Madre?" Nico asked

"Son, I'm afraid-

"I'm not your son. I want my Madre"

"Kid, you're mother is going to go to a place that's going to help her"

"When can I see Madre"

"You will be given an allowance of 30$ a week from you're mothers account"

"What's an account?" Nico asked. Beyond glad the son of the notorious and soft hearted mobster, the 'angel' had stopped screaming for his mother, the officer gave the hardest news

"I'm afraid you might not be able to see your mother again"

"What? Where is Madre I want to go casa" said Nico

"Do you know of any relatives"


"Where is your sister?"

"At casa" oh shit the officer thought

"Bill, have they found anyone at the angels apartment? Has anyone left the building?" Said the officer. Another policeman apparently called Bill strode out of the break room.

"We evacuated the place, shit brain, one pale girl was sick as hell, laying out in the hall, but she left. Kinda limping behind this other family" said Bill "wanna see the tape"

"Yes," said the first officer. Bill left and rolled out a small TV on a cart. He put in a security tape and the two policemen and Nico watched. When a girl with black hair left, the boy went up to the TV tapping on her and sayin "Bianca"

"What hospital is she at" said the first officer, trying to stay calm.

"don't know, aint my job to know"

the first officer sat down at his desk, and pulled up a medical report, detailing symptoms, treatment, exposure to... anthrax. 

"shut the place down, test the kid, get a doctor in with Maria," 

even for Gotham, someone willing to expose a rivals child to anthrax was cruel and unusual. And if Maria was exposed... they couldnt wait for her to die, in thhe time she was dying she could infect the whole of Gotham. 

"scratch that, I can deal with the angel" the first cop strolled into a private holding room. A moment later, a gunshot rang out.

(several days later)

Nico was crying his eyes out, sitting on a bench in the orphanage. The police had taken him here a couple hours before. Suddenly the orphanage lady shuffled in and told Nico he had an important visitor. Nico was ushered out of the orphans sleeping room. A man with black hair and blue eyes was sitting on a couch in the lounge.

"Nico, I'm aware that you're mother has recently been... on a trip" he said "and I think you might want to-" suddenly the door slammed open and a man with a white face and green hair entered the room, followed closely by two men who looked distinctly stupid.

"Here's your uncle J, hahahahah" the clown said laughing "but really, this time I am your uncle J" he said

"What are you doing here, joker" said the man with blue eyes, backing away

"I'm, here to put a smile on the poor poppies face"

"What do you want to do with him?" Asked the black haired man.

"None of your concern now what are you doing here" said green hair

"Adopting this boy!" Blue eyes seemed to be getting braver and stepping closer to the clown.

"Well see you in court, and it won't be me on trial"

"What do you mean, joker?" The black haired man's temporary bravery seemed to deflate to host a look of confusion.

"I'm the boy's godfather, don't you know" joker, Nico guessed his name was now said before bursting into giggling laughter.

"What insane mother would name you a godfather to a child-OW!" Black hair shouted as he stumbled back. His leg was bleeding profusely from the vicious bite Nico had delivered to him.

"Beaten by a child ay Brucey, and yes she was under a bout of insanity at the time, but that doesn't matter, I have witnesses and everything. Boy will that Bat be having some problems soon" joker mumbled the last part under his breath.

"Batman, Batman hurt my Madre," Nico said. The joker picked up Nico and smirked at Bruce over the child's back.

"Batman has hurt us all, that's why we are the good guys and we try to take down Batman" said the joker. Bruce glared as he heard the beginning of the poor child's mind begin to twist into that of a criminal.

"Ow '' Nico said as he spared against his fathers goons. Joker had taught him not to fear death, only incarceration. If joker got sent to prison, like he always did, they had a routine: joker leaves a note threatening death to any who try to adopt Nico, the orphanage comes round, someone adopts him, joker breaks out, kills that person in horrible ways and they went back to living at the warehouse. Soon, when Nico was older joker had said he would let him into the joker's gang. Joker had also said that one day, Nico would need to jump into a vat of acid to put a smile on his face. All of a sudden the wall blew up. The goon grabbed Nicos arm and rushed him under a table. And for the first time in 5 years, Nico saw Batman.

Batman rushed in, beat up the goons, captured Joker and handcuffed him when Batman felt a stinging pain in his shoulder. He spun around to recognize the 11 year old son of angel. The boy held a gun, and didn't even look shocked or scared that he had entered the hall of the very few people who had landed a bullet on Batman.

"Tootle ooh" said the boy in a dull expressionless tone. Batman threw a bat boomerang at the child but he simply side stepped and shot One! Two! Three! FOUR! bullets into Batman's chest and stomach. Batman fell blood flowing free from his wounds. He looked up at joker, his vision fading to see joker wipe a mock tear from his face and say "that's my boy"

Obviously this is not the new movie joker but more leaning in attitude to the animated movie joker attitude. Psychotic? yes, but also less blood thirsty and more comedic and less like, "you can only save one" still brutal and evil though. PS: I haven't seen most of the modern movies but I have read the comics. 

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