Chapter 3

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10 years later

Robin was investigating the murder of DR Daedalus. Carved into his chest was a giant GK and on his forehead in smaller letters was carved GK also. They flipped over the body to see those two letters carved all down his back and legs. The poor doctor had been killed in his own apartment. The killer had then drained the body of blood and written in huge letters on the wall "remember me?" they kept looking but didn't find anything tampered or searched. Whoever killed Daedalus had come here to do so. They were still looking when a policeman called out from across the room at the door.

"Batman, we have some fingerprints"

"Good, what have you traced it to"


"What's 'oh'" said Robin

"Misfire, this says the boy died in a fire ten years ago"

"What fire?" Asked Batman

"The east end fired," the officer said. Batman nodded and went back to searching. What did the doctor work on anyways.

"I did some research and it appeared he was fired when he accidently let a sample of scarlet fever out into south Gotham" Batman said. As they left Batman was thinking hard, so hard that he didn't realize the man in a skull mask opened the elevator door, threw a grenade into the hall and then closed the doors again. Robin threw himself and Batman to the ground but the officer was definitely dead. When the smoke cleared robin gasped in amazement. The officer's body had GK carved all over him and his blood was drained. The writing was much more messy, like it had been done in a flash, which it had. And in huge writing on the wall, in blood, was written "still don't recall?" The dynamic duo searched the body and found the blood had been drained through the wrist. But unlike the doctors, two fang marks were sunk deep into the wrist. Batman scanned the traces of metal but the metal was unidentifiable.

"Dick, I wonder, let's inspect the doctor's body again. When they saw the doctor's body they looked at the wrist. Indeed the wrist was what the blood had drained from. They saw the same fang marks but they were cleverly concealed with a knife slash across them.

"Great scot Bruce, is it a vampire"

"No, dick, it's not, they drain blood from the neck" Robin nodded.

"That officer's name was Bill, he worked crime scenes for sixteen years" said Batman looking into the police files on the doctors computers.

One week later

The dynamic duo had been investigating the murder of Minos King. Minos had been a life counselor. Now he has the now familiar letters GK carved into him, but this time PJ was also carved into the body. As with the other two murders there was a message on the wall.

"You bashed in my teeth and caused me to fall" there had not been enough blood for the message from Minos so the killer had murdered the secretary too. Unfortunately for the killer or maybe killers, the doc had put up a fight and notified the secretary in his screams. The secretary had called the police, so the work was shoddy and very fast. The murder or murders had done fast work and left finger prints on the wall from writing the message.

Percy Jackson

Family: mother deceased, father deceased, stepfather in jail.

Criminal record: (1) blowing up the St Louis arch. (2) accessory to murder. (3) assault (4) assault (5) assault (6) several terrorist attacks all over the globe (7) attempted murder (8) felony escape X3.

Jail time: 1 year before escape, recaptured in Italy, escaped from holding cell, captured in Greece, blew a hole in the wall of the prison, still at large.

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