Chapter 2

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Guess I felt like updating. 

I'll Make things a bit easier, i think.

Counterpart is #2

Example: Mike the Gargoyle, Scott the Messenger, Jeremy the Satyr

And the originals will be number 1.

Example: Mike the Security guard, Scott the Phone Guy, Jeremy the Nightwatch.

Hope that new fact helps a bit.

Also, my keyboard sucks and i hardly go back and check for mistakes. sorry. (plus, my spelling is sucky.)


Everyone stared at their counterpart. Tthey were horrified, at the slightest, and for the most part wery of what the other one would do. Except Jeremy and Jeremy, that is. They continued to have a stare down until Vincent #1 spoke up. 

"The world isnt ready for two of us. Expecially two Mikes and Jeremys." 

"W-was that suppost t-to be an insult o-or a comlimant? Jeremy #1 asked. Vincent #1 shruged,

"Both, I guess..." He replied. 

Mike #2 frowned slightly. "Anybody know how the hell this happened? Or have a least bit of a clue?" Fritzy facepalmed, and pointed to where the humans came from. Jeremy #2 followed his gaze and found the wierdest thing ever. The trees were glowing the slighest bit bue and there seemed to be multi-colored orbs hovering around the glowing trees, and the ground seemed to be covered in ice. ((ANYBODY SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING?! ANYBODY??)) 

"Oh... Th-that looks... um... like wh-what you said... a 'Portal Thingy'..." Jeremy #2 said quietly. 

Scott #2 facepalmed, followed up by a quiet 'no kidding'. Although their counterparts may not have heard it, the yourng Satyr heard it perfectly. 

"Hey!" His smile dissapeared, "Y-you dont have to b-be mean about it..." 

"Sorry Jeremy..." The messenger apologized. 

" 'pology a-accepted." His smile returned. 

"What exactly did he say...?" Scott #1 asked.

"All I know is that he made a snarky comment." the Naga replied, his forked tounge flicked the air. 

"Does that mean theres two Scotts, thats alot alike?" Vincent #1 gave his signiture smile

"I guess so..." The Naga smiled his usual Chesier smile. 

"Im scared now." The Scotts said at the same time.

Both the Mikes smiled, trying to think of a pun to go along with this situation.


My dear Enders, I apologize. this chapter is terribly done and SHORT! So i apologize, and i will try to make it up tp you, all of you reading this. 

Goodbye and STAY AWESOME!

~ [insert my usual signiture of an operators symbol here]

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