Chapter 3

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The houses get bigger and fancier the closer to the castle you get. Suddenly, there's a break in the rows and rows of houses. You walk into the market district, with its two-story brick structures that contain giant windows. The windows display what each shop is selling, from armor, baked goods, clothes, weapons, tools, potions, and everything in between. Your family passes through the market, to stand just before the royal property.

The polished black stone castle has four circular towers, each a hundred feet high, and walls almost as tall. There are gaps in the stone where archers and cannons can easily defend. This is a big power statement of a building and the biggest structure you've ever seen.

Your family walks the stone brick path to the front gates. The gates are thirty feet high with a quick drop layer of iron bars suspended fifteen feet above the ground. Behind that is a giant set of oak doors that take at least five horses to close. Then there is a barricade propped next to the gate that is as thick as a tree.

Upon getting to the open gates, your family is stopped by two guards that look to be brothers. The guard on the right has dirty bleach blonde hair, purple eyes, and pale skin. He is wearing a purple hoodie, black pants, and purple shoes. The guard on the left looks to be older than the right has similar dirty bleach blonde hair and pale skin, but his eyes are baby blue. He is also wearing a hoodie, except his is white with vertical black stripes along the arms, and his hood is up over his head, with black pants and white sneakers. You can tell the guard in the white hoodie is of higher rank, for he has a gold pendant around his neck and full diamond armor, unlike his companion, who adorned iron armor.

The guard in the purple hoodie draws his iron sword with his right hand and points it towards your dad saying, "What is your business here?"  Before you or your dad can respond, the more decorated guard in white grabs the younger one's arm and scolds, "PURPLED, NO! Come'on little bro, what are you thinking? These people don't pose a threat, Geez!", then apologizes, "It's his first day, and he's a little tense. Now, please state your name and business here."

Dad replies, "That is most understandable, My name is (F/N) (L/N)" then gesturing to you and Tubbo he continues "this is my daughter (Y/N) (L/N) and my grandson Tubbo (L/N), we are here to appeal to your King, to become permanent citizens of this kingdom".

"Of course, the King is expecting you, I'm Punz, captain of the king's royal guard, and apologies again for my little brother PURPLED." Captain Punz states, "But we will need to search you, to make sure that you have no harmful materials on you, before you..." Dad calmly interrupts, "Yes, yes we know. Here, this is the baby supplies, and this is the baby sling, the only things we brought that could conceal anything." Handing the bag to the guards, he motions for you to take off the baby sling. You remove Tubbo from the sling and hold him in one arm, balanced on your hip. Then remove and hold out the sling in the other, putting some strain on your injured arm. You keep your face in a polite smile.

The guards examine the baby sling and rummage through the bag. Finding nothing dangerous, Punz returns the items and waits while you don the sling, and reposition Tubbo. Your Dad slips the bag over his shoulder, and motions that you are ready to go. Punz commands PURPLED to remain where he is, and "not to draw his sword on anyone else". Then, he escorts your family through the gates where you get your first view of the interior of the mighty building.

The giant stone walls are just walls surrounding a beautiful meadow with a small forest in the corner. There is a willow tree billowing on top of a hill, and every inch of perfectly cut grass has at least one flower poking up. A small stream surrounds the huge mansion that is connected to the giant stone walls, which protect the estate.

You can't help but gasp, at the sight of so much life in a place like this. The only other time you entered a similar place was... NO! You push the thought away as soon as it tries to insert itself in your head NO. NO. NO. You will never even think of that place again.

With that, all the excitement you had felt drained away, and nerves settled in. Possibility after possibility of what could go wrong flashes through your mind. You don't even notice that all your muscles are tense until your dad places a hand on your shoulder, but thankfully not the injured one, and you relax.

Your dad gives you a meaningful look. "Hey, hey, look at me. Everything is going to be okay. They will let us in. He will never get you or Tubbo, ever again. Got it?", he says sincerely and wraps you in a hug. Your eyes open, in slight shock, at how he can so easily read you, how much he cares, and how much he's risking being with you. Your guilt only deepens, as he will soon have to lie to the face of a Royal, and if it is ever discovered he'll hang.

The hug is quick but comforting. When your dad lets go, you continue walking, with Punz in the lead not questioning the interaction.  He's probably seen many variations of this display, with all the immigrants coming to face their, hopefully, new king.

You pass through the fields of green, to the actual castle, and a set of dark oak doors that open to reveal an entryway that could fit a village. It's all made of stone brick, walls, stairs, pillars and the floor too, although it is covered in a deep red carpet that leads to, what you presume, is the throne room. Your guess is proven true, when Punz leads your family to the end of the carpet, and a set of gold and jeweled doors, obviously meant to impress with splendor, wealth and power.

"Wait here, I'm going to make sure they are ready for you to enter," Captain Punz says.  Instead of going through the opulent doors, he slips through a hidden passage behind a tapestry, next to the doors.

As soon as Punz leaves, dad turns to you and says, "Remember let me do all the talking, and try to keep Tubbo quiet.  If talked to, answer as quickly and respectfully as possible. If all goes well, we'll be out of here in less than an hour. Please try to stay calm. Okay?" You gulp, take a deep calming breath. With the fear building in your heart, you nod, agreeing to his statement.

Punz appears from behind the tapestry, opens the doors, announcing to the room, "King Philza Minecraft and Prince Technoblade, the nobles of Manburg are here."

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