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Jimin- Hurry up! The patient's condition is getting worse.

Everyone's running here and there to get what Dr. Jimin wants for the patients. Dr. Park Jimin, a well-respected surgeon. At such a young age, he was able to earn the respect of the patients and fellow colleagues. Being the responsible doctor he is, he rushes his juniors and the nurses to get the equipment he needs in the emergency room.

Jimin- Dr. Y/N! Get me the gauge. Quickly! The patient is losing blood.

It's another busy day at the hospital. The near by construction site had an accident. So, there are around 8 injured patients in the hospital. Everyone is busy with their jobs.

Hospital staff- Dr. Park, please check here.

Jimin rushes towards the patient and orders for immediate surgery.

Y/N- Nurse Philo, arrange the OT. This patient requires immediate surgery, or else he'll lose a lot of blood and it'll be-

Jimin- Dr. Y/N! Give me a hand here.

Y/N- Yes Dr. Park, I'm coming. Nurse Philo, I'll be right back. You can call Dr. Han to help Dr. Yeosang.

Nurse Philo- Okay.

Y/N- Dr. Park I've arranged the OT for the patient in bed no. 36. He needs it immediately.

Jimin- Did you check him properly?

Y/N- Yes, he's already lost a lot of blood. He requires the operation to pull out the rod in this hand. He also was under the wall for a long time maybe, he has a hemorrhage. So, I asked Dr. Yeosang for help. He'll assist the operation with Dr. Han.

Jimin- Okay, good job. Help me here. This patient isn't that serious, so I think I should leave her responsibility to you. Is that okay? You'll be able to handle it, right?

Y/N- Of course Dr. Park! You are kind off underestimating me. I can handle it here. Don't worry.

Jimin- Okay. Finish it and this patient is under you.

Y/N- Sure Dr. Park!
You just keep on ordering me and still underestimate your wife! Hmph! As if I've never assisted you with complicated cases. "you'll be able to handle it, right?" I can handle anyone, if I am able to handle a narcissist like you. Annoying!

Dr. Shin Y/N, an intern under Jimin and also his secret wife. They got married just a few months ago. Y/N had always admired Jimin for his handsome-- I mean for his hard work and dedication towards the patients. But he was still just a senior to her, until his parents reached out to her parents for the marriage. Yes, it was an arrange marriage. A normal one. None of them had any issues with it as they didn't have anyone else in their lives. But they decided to keep it to themselves and their close ones. So, not many people know that they are married. They don't often wear their wedding rings as being doctors they need to do a surgery at any time. Y/N is a cheerful and bubbly girl, unlike someone. She is hardworking and serious about her work but unfortunately is lazy. She's sweet but has trust issues.

How nice it would have been if I would've got married to a CEO. The CEO and his doctor wife! What a nice title. A perfect story like in the dramas and books. A cold, bossy yet cute CEO...

Yeosang- Dr. Y/N, can you... Dr. Y/N? Y/N?

He shakes her body to bring her back from her imagination. It's her regular place to visit, probably more than 5 times a day, and it's his duty to remind her that she's married. Dr. Kang Yeosang, Y/N's best friend and a responsible doctor. He's also an intern. A handsome, cute and talented man! After Jimin, he's the most handsome single bachelor in the hospital. Fellow colleagues drool and fangirl over him. But he's got eyes for no one. He did have a crush on Y/N in high school but he somehow got over it.

Y/N- Huh? What?

Yeosang- Again into some romantic story? Who was the lead this time? A Painter? A CEO? An Architect? A--

Y/N- CEO! It was a CEO this time. Yeosang-ah just think, The CEO and his doctor wife! How good it sounds. Better than this narcissist at least. He keeps on ordering me both at home and at the hospital and still has the guts to ask me if I can handle this situation or not! Isn't he underestimating me? What kind--

Yeosang- Y/N-ah, pass me the reports please. I still need to fill up the data of the patient. I just did a surgery. I'm tired.

Y/N- Oh yeah, here. How was the surgery?

Yeosang- Successful. The patient is out of danger, but he still hasn't got back to senses. It'll take him some time to wake up. He's under observation of Dr. Han.

Y/N- That's a relief. I'm also done with the patient here. Umm... Yeosangie!

Yeosang- What now? You're hungry?

Y/N nods her head acting cute. Yeosang cringes but still pats her head.

Yeosang- Okay let's go to the cafeteria. It's almost lunch time.

Y/N- Yeosangie is the best!

She giggles and hugs Yeosang. She then hops and skips like a happy kid getting the toy she wanted and heads towards the cafeteria. Yeosang chuckles and follows her from behind shaking his head at his best friend who was supposed to be a 22-year-old adult, but somehow feels like a 12-year-old. This scene didn't go unnoticed by a certain someone.


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