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Y/N- What a day! I'm so tired. I worked so hard and all that mochi said was "okay, god job". He didn't even let me eat my lunch properly. But in the evening, he didn't call me to his cabin, strange. He wasn't even there while returning. Was he out? Should I ask him? Ahh leave it. Its his life, I shouldn't interfere. But still...

Y/N reaches home and flops herself on the couch. She's lost in her world. Usually in the evening, Jimin would call her to his cabin to talk about work and also sometimes ask her what she wanted for dinner. They were supposed to come home together as she didn't take her car today but she couldn't find him. So, she asked Yeosang to drop her. It was indeed a tiring day for all of them. The patients from the construction site were quite serious but fortunately all were safe now. She heaves a heavy sigh remembering the day and was about to get up when she heard the shower.

Y/N- Jimin is home?

She heads towards the bedroom and saw the bathroom door locked. She knocks.

Y/N- Jimin? Are you inside?

Jimin- Oh you're home. Yeah, I'll be out in a minute.

Y/N- Okay. I'm in the kitchen.
Why is he home already? And why didn't he tell me he was going home early? Even though I know he doesn't have to report me everything but still I wanted...

She shrugs the thoughts and enters the kitchen for a glass of water. To her surprise, Jimin had prepared dinner already. Normally, they would prepare together; Jimin would make everything and she would just help him trying not to create a mess because of her clumsiness. But today he has prepared all.

Y/N- It smells so good! Must be tasty. But why did he prepare all of this alone? He must be already tired because of the number of patients he had today. Indeed, he is Park Jimin.
Should I taste a little?

Jimin- You can of course.

She jumps from her place with a hand on her chest.

Y/N- Scared the shit out of me! How can you walk without making a single sound, huh? Are you a ghost? Flying up here and there?

Jimin- Haha... want to taste?

Y/N- I'll go freshen up then we can eat together.

Jimin- Sure.

At the dinner table Y/N can't help but become curious. There are a lot of questions in her mind, urging to be asked.

Y/N- He came back early without informing me, made the dinner and is even behaving all sweet. What's going on? Did I do something? I don't think so. Did he do something? Broke my idol's frame? Is it our anniversary or something? Not possible, right? We got married just 4 months birthday? Ahh no no that's in October. What is it! Look at him, smiling. Did he hit his head?

Jimin- Y/N how's the food? Is it tasty? Y/N? Y/N?

Y/N- Huh?

Jimin- Are you okay? You were zoning out.

Y/N- I'm okay. What were you saying?

Jimin- I asked if the food was tasty?

Y/N- Oh yeah it is! I really like it.

Jimin- Eat more then.

He smiles and continues to eat. Y/N finally gains some guts and asks.
Y/N- What's wrong?

Jimin- What?

Y/N- Is everything okay with you?

Jimin- Yeah why?

Y/N- No I mean you came back early today. You didn't even tell me you were coming home early. You even prepared the dinner all alone without asking me what I wanted for dinner. So, is something the matter? You're okay, right? I mean I'm not intervening into your life but...

Jimin- I'm okay and everything is okay. I just felt like coming back as I was done with the shift and rounds around the wards. I thought of telling you so tried reaching you out but Yeosang said you were busy with the thesis and reports. So, I didn't disturb you. When I thought of dinner, I couldn't disturb you so I called your mother. She said you like broccoli and mushrooms, so I made it. I even heard you say that you like prawns. So, made the noodles with prawn and mushroom, soup and stir fried-vegetables; without peas. You don't like them, right?

Y/N- Yeah, I don't like peas. Umm...let's eat or else it'll get cold.
He did these for me? Maybe he isn't that annoying. I finally notice how cute he is, I always thought he was cold. Look how cutely he eats...his hands are so tiny and cute...wait! Y/N what are you doing? You can't. calm your nerves and hormones. This is just an impulse. Hormones are doing this Y/'re just feeling this as you're grateful he did this for you. It's the hormones, yes, the hormones! Now eat.

After the dinner both of them head towards their bedroom. Even though they are married and it seems like a normal one as I said, it isn't that normal. Their mothers are friends. So Jimin and Y/N got married like any other arrange marriage. But both of them signed a contract; without the knowledge of their parents. A contract for a year. In this year, if they feel like they didn't belong with each other they will break the marriage, mutually. They still aren't comfortable to sleep on the same bed so they sleep separately. Jimin sleeps on the single foldable bed, whereas Y/N sleeps on the master bed. In the beginning of the marriage, they slept in separate rooms until Jimin's mother once visited them. They had to pretend that they're happy and together so Y/N took all her stuff from the guest room and put it in his closet. Since then, they've been staying in the same room. They're trying to know each other a little more every day, make time for each other and give this marriage a chance. They don't even know if it's going to work but still, they are trying. Maybe it's the beauty of arrange marriages, you try even though the result is uncertain and unexpected.

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