Chapter 3

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Ruby's POV

Guided by the lights of Lincoln's motorcycle, I followed him from the woods. Everyone else scattered away when they heard the police siren, but not Lincoln Morten. He moved with such ease that it should have caused alarm. He escaped the scene quickly and cruised through the uniformed men undetected.

I already knew his address and went ahead first. Opening a window from his bedroom, I stepped over the windowsill and landed on a crouch. Immediately, the hair on my arms rose.


I almost gasped.

A thousand strings of curses flew from my mouth through gritted teeth. I knew it. There was no way Lincoln Morten was human. It was just not possible! There was no way that he could fight like that and be mortal!

His bedroom smelled of a werewolf. The smell was so strong that I crumpled my nose. Maximillian better be sure he had my money.

Upon judging Lincoln's fight, I thought he would be someone messy and living in a half-assed apartment. But the bedroom was clean. There were no dirty clothes on the floor, and everything was in their rightful places—well, there was not much to put in place. I only saw the essential furniture around, and it looked plain.

The sound of a glass breaking made me turn my head. The front door had not opened yet. My heart started to race, and I pulled a blade from my waist.

Somebody else was here.

I pressed my ears to the bedroom door and heard distinct footsteps that human ears could not have heard. I sniffed the air once more. Werewolves.


I twisted the knob ever so carefully and opened the door an inch. Two giant werewolves walked around the apartment, probably conversing through their mindlink. Their gray-black fur almost made them invisible in the dark, save for their bright-colored eyes that shone like neon signs.

Another line of curses burst through my head. I pressed my back against the wall, getting my breathing even. I knew for a fact that I could fight two werewolves. What the hell was I nervous about?

No, I was nervous about Lincoln. Were these men sent by Maximillian? No, that was not possible. Maximillian was not a purebred werewolf, and purebreds did not fraternize with the half-breeds. Did that mean that the purebred werewolves were also looking for Lincoln?

What did these werewolves want with this human?!

Unless... he was not human at all.

I should get my ass out of here, leave them to their business. This was not something that I should concern myself about. No money was going to be worth all the trouble that would wait for me after this.

I should leave! But why could I not?!

I could hear the footsteps from the outside, the jingle of keys, followed by the turning of the knob. There was no time to think.

As soon as the door opened, I heard the harsh snarl of both werewolves as they tried to pounce on Lincoln. His reflexes were quick, and he rolled on the ground, but one of them reached for him and almost caught him if I had not flung one of my shorter blades. The knife pierced through skin, flesh, and bone, and the werewolf howled.

Lincoln's eyes flashed to me in question: who are you?

Mine answered: no time.

Before I could think twice, I grabbed Lincoln by the nape of his jacket and hauled him inside the room, locking it behind him. The wood quickly started to splinter as the weight of the other werewolf crashed against it.

"What the hell is happening?!" he asked, the baritone of his voice remaining level even in high distress.

"Window," I told him, pushing my back against the door, which would break any second.


"The window! Go now! Escape!"

"Who are you?!"

I glared at him. "I'll explain later!"

I could already feel the wood getting thin, and less than a second later, a thick hairy arm punctured the door just above my head. I had my small frame to thank for that. "GET OUT!" I screamed.

Unfortunately, as soon as Lincoln moved, the door fell apart in pieces, and I had to drag him towards the window. The two werewolves squeezed through the doorway. I placed myself between them and Lincoln.

"Aren't you listening? I told you to get out!" I said, wholly annoyed with human stubbornness.

Lincoln's answer had me floored. "What about you?!"

"Just do it."

Feral smiles appeared on the werewolves' mouths. Their teeth were sharp, like small knives guaranteed to rip any of my limbs from my body.

I kicked backward and hit Lincoln's shin. "GET. THE. F*CK. OUT."

I heard no movement behind me.

"Are you waiting for me to throw you out the window?"

Lincoln Morten really needed to start listening to me because the werewolves in front of us were not as patient as I was. They lunged and made a grab. As I leaped, I shoved Lincoln through the open window—but the idiot braced himself.

The next thing I heard was his excruciating scream as he was caught when the werewolf clawed at his chest.

I swore out loud. I already violated a number of rules for tonight. What was one more? I channeled my energy—my Light—to my palm, and a pinkish-red glow started to emanate from my fingers. A second later, a blast sprung, and the werewolves were thrown near the door, twisting to get on their paws, growling.

I grabbed Lincoln by his pits, getting him to his feet, but he swayed to the side, and I had to hold him upright. His eyes were blinking slowly as blood soaked his shirt. "Wha... What are you?" he managed.

I could only look back at him as I could not help but feel pity.

As soon as our eyes connected, something like a silver glow flashed from his eyes before they closed. Then he went limp in my arms, his weight doubling. I put my hand out as the werewolves involuntarily shifted back to their human forms.

I did not look back as I grabbed Lincoln by his waist, out the window, and into the night.

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