The perfect diet

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Oops, what is that makeup you have on your face today?

you seem a little strange with a face of few friends,

Well, I'll see if I can get a tiara for your hair.

You need a spoon, yes, to give you soup,

the soup takes everything away and leaves you half spirited,

complete with butterflies and vanilla in a cup.

French fries for breakfast and a salt-free egg,

and when you go to start the housework,

a dreamy bird on the terrace that sings to you non-stop.

For lunch, I have thought of shrimp,they say they bring a smile,

if you don't get full, a pizza,

low in calories but with many emotions.

In the afternoon you compose yourself and we prepare ice creams,

I fall in love with those sunflowers of yours,

and from a quete I go to eat roasted steaks.

What does it matter if you are on a diet, your health comes first,

that's why I prefer to invite you to the kitchen,

You will be all divine if we close with lamb.

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