Chapter 1

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Cha Eunjae has a secret. And that secret has been going on for months.

That secret is lying beside her on her bed, arm slung over her waist, his chin propped up on her shoulder.

That secret is the one she occasionally (frequently) visits and spends most of her nights with, seeking his warmth, his affection, and as much as she likes to deny it, longing for his love.

It isn't supposed to be like this, it was meant to be a one time thing only.

But then the one time thing happened again, and again, and again. Until it went out of spiral, she couldn't control it, she let it become a routine.

She let him become a part of her life.


Sleeping with Seo Woojin is the last thing she could ever think of herself doing. Yet there she is, in his penthouse, looking at the Seoul skyline with a silk robe covering her body. It's true he has a better view of it than in her penthouse—that's what he always says whenever she spends the night at his place.

Eunjae hugs the robe to herself as the wind grows colder. The city lights and the skyscrapers tower over the now sleeping city, in a few hours its people will be ready to endure another day in the jungle that is Seoul. She looks at the car lights in the highways, the lights from the windows her eyes could see from apartments—she heaves a deep sigh.

What am I doing here?

"Come back to bed." Woojin ushers, patting the cold space beside him. Rising to his position, he sits and the blanket moves, revealing his bare chest. Eunjae doesn't need reminding how many times they did it earlier—Woojin complained of overfatigue from work and called if she could come over, so as soon as she finished meeting up her "blind date"—her father is still on that prospect, she drove to his building and she was met by his hungry kisses.

She obeys him, taking off her robe and exposing her naked body to him—not that he hasn't seen her bare before—he did, countless of times—but the feeling never wavers—to him, she's still the most beautiful woman he has seen. The fabric falls unceremoniously on the cold, hard floor but Woojin is all eyes on her. The cold seeps through her body and she knows he is looking at her in all glory. Resisting his gaze, she puts on her underwear and his shirt and afterwards joins him on the bed.

"Are you okay now?" she asks affectionately, slipping on to their shared blanket while turning her back against him. They don't usually cuddle—for her, that's what official couples do. Their deal is very simple—just sex, no strings attached. But still, Woojin puts his hand around the side of her breast and pulls her closer to him, inhaling the scent of her hair while his thumb gently caresses her nipple over his shirt. Kissing her shoulder, he says good night and thanks her for coming over, Eunjae turns to meet his lips and they sleep.

It isn't supposed to be like this, it was meant to be a one time thing only.


Eunjae keeps her circle of friends as small as possible.

She's the heiress to Cha Industries, since she was a child, she's been warned by no less than her father that people will try to use and take advantage of her. That they will always want something from her. If they do something for her, that's because they expect something from her in return.

She considers Yoon Ahreum her best friend—she understands her background, with her growing up from a rich family too. Both of them have been sent abroad to study the world, get accustomed to business, and prepare themselves to take over their parents' companies.

So when Yoon Ahreum told her she's getting married to the son of Park Chosun (who probably owns a third of Korea's economy), she couldn't be any happier for her. She remembers the guy, Park Euntak—Ahreum introduced him to her once or twice during parties at the club. He looks handsome and proper, but not her type. She chuckled when Ahreum revealed to her that he used to have a crush on her, but didn't push through with it because she looked difficult to deal with.

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