Chapter 2

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The next time they cross paths in another event, they pretend they don't know each other.

Both are extra conscious of the other's presence, with Woojin maintaining a considerable distance from her enough for her to be always on his peripheral view... and as for Eunjae, she would, from time to time, throw glances at him to check who he's mingling with.

As soon as the event is done, Woojin tidies up his place and waits for her to come. She spends the night in his arms after rounds of passionate sex.

Since they come from the two most influential businesses in Korea, they have to be careful. So she goes to his place into the wee hours of the night, just to make sure no one is following their whereabouts. As for Woojin, he does the same when he comes over to her place.

Their nights have been more frequent, and truth be told, in a week, Eunjae sleeps more in his penthouse than in her own place. Woojin likes it when she wears his stuff in the morning—his shirt paired with her sexy panties, or even when she sleeps by his side wearing nothing at all. Waking up to her soft breaths even though she usually faces the other way brings him comfort and calm, and sometimes, when she puts down her defenses, she'd face him and mold their lips together through lazy kisses.

I shouldn't be feeling this.

That's her realisation one morning as she wakes up feeling empty without him by her side. Woojin is in Shanghai for an important business meeting and he probably won't be back after a couple of days.

This is the first time they are away from each other, and though it shouldn't it be a problem for them both, it's something that they're curious what will happen. The catch is, when Woojin comes back, it's only three days until Eunjae has to fly to London for business, so between this and that, it's safe to say their hormones are acting up the moment Woojin is back from Shanghai.

She lies awake at night thinking about him. Is he sleeping soundly without her? Or is he sleeping with another woman? The latter thought is already irritating there, she doesn't even want to go there.

She thinks of him when she wakes up, during the scarce moments she considers her break from meetings, before she sleeps, on her bed—relishing the warmth and comfort he provides while she's on his arms. There were quick emails between them, Woojin was updating her of his whereabouts and Eunjae would usually update him of what's currently happening in Seoul, other than that, she's hesitant to tell him that she longs for his company. Not until he came back.

That night, he is already at his place, waiting for her, but this particular blind date Eunjae was asked to meet wouldn't shut up.

The guy keeps blabbering about all of his accomplishments—which is one of her pet peeves. Eunjae is starting to have a headache as he slurs through his words. That, and his thick glasses are making her head spin. Her phone is on silent but she sees that text notification pop up and she couldn't hide her smile when she sees who it's from.

SWJ: Hurry up. I miss you.

She makes up an excuse related to work and says goodbye to her date as quickly as possible. If she remembers correctly, that one is highly recommended by her father—she'll probably get an earful the next time she meets him for lunch, but she doesn't care. All she wants is to drive to Woojin's place and be in his arms.

Time seems to tick faster whenever she wants to spend it with him. She's in a hurry to get to his place, walking past all the cars in the parking lot until she finally spots hers. That's when another car honks at her catching her attention. It's one of Woojin's. She scans their surroundings, making sure there are no busybodies following her and walks quickly to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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