Chapter Twenty

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Twenty: Fixing Hearts and Piercing Screams

The two pieces of mending hearts laid on a certain dog human's (who they referred to as Padfoot) bed. The flickering beam of the rising sun illuminated each other only enough to see their gleaming faces. Nothing more, nothing less. Enjoying each other's company, which was restricted to them for years, was the only thing on their minds. It was solely the only thing that their brains processed that the girl totally forgot about her wandering brother and best friend.

The grandfather clock of the ancient house ticked six in the morning, it's gong resonating throughout the whole house. Harry's eyes fluttered open. There was a warmth cuddled up next to him. His eyes widened then softened as he remembered the events of the day before. Ginny had not only saved him but also rekindled their latent feelings for each other. He looked down at his arms. Red hair was spread out behind her, a beautiful smile on her face. She was curled up in his arms. His sleeping beauty. Harry lost himself to her sleeping form that he had no track of time when her eyes blinked open. Beautiful brown met entrancing emerald and automatic smiles spread on their faces.

"What is the time, Harry?" Ginny asked.

"I love you," he replied. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"I asked the time, Harry," she retorted, feigning annoyance. Nevertheless, the smile never faded from her face. Harry grinned.

"I lost myself in you that I did not see the time."

Ginny rolled her eyes again. "Cheeky early in the morning today are we, Mr Potter?" she questioned. Harry shrugged.

"Until you are with me."

"Merlin's stinky socks, Harry!"

"I am not Merlin's stinky socks, Ginny. I am a very clean person. You can check my socks if you want although I'm wearing none at the moment. Unfortunate. I can retrieve some from my flat if you need them."

Ginny rolled her eyes yet again. "My irises are going to stick to the top of my eyes," She said, glaring at him mockingly.

"Aw man. I do not want those beautiful brown orbs to go invisible," Harry replied, smirking. Ginny harrumphed and got up, throwing his arms away from her. Harry wore an expression of hurt though Ginny knew better than to believe it to be real. She swung her legs off the bed, simultaneously tying her hair into a bun. As she was about to get up, a strong arm pulled her back and into Harry.

"Harry! I'm hungry!" she wailed like a small child whose toy had been snatched.

"Fine, let me fix us breakfast. We spend the whole day here, later," he said, whispering the last part.

"Fine," Ginny muttered.

"I know you are hiding your happiness, Gin," Harry said, getting up and fixing the bed. Ginny looked at him, a grin adorning her own face. Harry smiled before they both left the bedroom hand in hand.


Harry had fixed them a small and simple breakfast with the grocery that Ginny brought from her flat. She had apparated to her flat and brought a loaf of bread, some eggs and a packet of milk while Harry was freshening up. He had a lot of bruises and did not want Ginny to see all of them. Hence, he took the time to freshen up when she was away. While he prepared breakfast, Ginny took a private bubble bath in one of the many bathrooms of the manor. Kreacher had done a good job keeping the house tidy when his master and mistress were away. Harry informed Ginny about Kreacher's passing during the breakfast. Ginny was pretty sad about it. She realized that Kreacher said those respectful and affectionate words to her because he knew that his end was near. This fact pretty much doubled her melancholy. She would only snap out of her emotional behavior after a long passionate snog initiated by Harry. After that conversation, they turned to lighter topics.

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