weak subjects

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Y/n's pov

I am very weak in maths, I struggle to do difficult questions...

while my crush, N is good at it.

One day

While our teacher gave us a math questions to do, I was struggling do it

I was getting tired and decided to give up

But before I could, someone sat Infront of me and asked

N: hey u okay? U seemed kinda defeated

He then glanced down on your paper and smiled softly

N: it's the question ain't it?

I nodded

He chuckled then started teaching you

I didn't understand it for a few times but he kept explaining until I understood

After that happened, we both had study sessions together

He teaches me maths while I teach him English and we both study together for the other subjects

Soon we both graduated and unexpectedly we both ended up in the same college, we also had some same courses

So obviously we both spend more time together and soon graduated but before we did

On the graduation day

N's pov

I had fell in love with Y/n since we were in high school

But I'm now gonna confessed to her and I hope she will likes me

Y/n's pov

We took our certificates and it was time to take pictures

I went to find N and I found him

We both hugged and took a picture

N's pov

It's now the time

N: Y/n, u know how we both helped each other thru highschool and now college?

Y/n: yeah?

N: I would like to ask u, if u want to spend the time after we graduate ? In short I'm asking would u like to be my girlfriend?

Y/n: I... Yes!

N: yesss!


We hugged and he carried me while twirling

N: I love u so much

Y/N:  I love u so much

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