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My brother, Ian, was talking to me, but I couldn't concentrate. The 'butterflies' in my stomach were less butterflies and more eagles. It was my first day and my dad insisted on driving us to campus in his brand new red Porsche. I tried to convince him to at least take the Volvo, to no avail.


I walked down the hall with Ian, who was wearing a black formal outfit and a green tie. He convinced me to wear a white formal outfit and red tie he made to match his.

"Why do I have to wear this?" I complained.

"It's your first day of college here. You have to make a good impression. Now, it's time for homeroom. You have Mrs. Loughty. She's nice. I had her last year. Now, go." Ian commanded.


I walked down the hall, trying not to look like a lost idiot. I walked into the room Ian pointed out and sat down in an open seat. I turned to the girl next to me. She was wearing a black hoodie with purple patches and ripped jeans. She had black hair with a purple streak framing her face. "Hello, Madam! My name is Caspian! And you are?" I blurted out, and internally kicked myself when she flinched.

"It's none of your business." She replied and put her earbuds in. The teacher, Mrs. Loughty, I reminded myself, started calling names. When she got to my name I blurted out "I am present today, Mrs. Loughty." I saw the girl roll her earth brown eyes and I regretted the formalities at once.


The girl next to me said "Here."

"So . . . your name is Amira, huh?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" Amira snapped and looked away, annoyed.

'Amira suits her.' I thought, smiling as I looked towards Mrs. Loughty.


When I walked into math class, I noticed the girl, Amira, sitting in the back corner. I walked up to the teacher.

"Mr. Caspian King? I'm Mrs. Goblirsch. You may sit next to Amira Ila. Amira? Please raise your hand."

Amira raised her hand slowly as I informed Mrs Goblirsch that I already met her. I went to sit next to her and said "Your last name is Ila? Did you know that means 'earth' in Sanskrit?"

She looked confused and asked, "You know Sanskrit?"

I scolded myself internally for showing off and said, "Yes. My dad made me learn multiple languages."


After Math and a few classes, it was time for lunch. I looked for Ian and walked over to his table.

"Sorry, Caspian. My table is full. Why don't you sit with someone from your grade?" Ian asked.

"You are one day older than me and barely in the next grade. For your information, I haven't found any friends yet." I retorted.

A boy walked over and touched my shoulder. "Hi! I'm Aaron. Are you new here? Would you like to sit with my group?"

"Umm. Hi, Aaron. I'm Caspian, and I would love to sit with your group." I followed the boy after glaring at Ian. Aaron led me to a table in the back corner of the lunchroom. I noticed Amira sitting at the table, her earbuds not in her ears for the first time that day. I sat in between Aaron and Amira. Aaron introduced everyone.

"That is Cass. She is gender-fluid, but today she is female, so she/her pronouns. She is very smart and made a system for us to know her pronouns. She made bracelets, pink for she/her, blue for he/him and orange for they/them." He indicated a girl in a black shirt and blue tie. She was wearing glasses and a pink bracelet and had her hair in a high ponytail.

"This is my brother Benjamin and his partner Halyn. Halyn's pronouns are they/them. Benjamin uses he/him pronouns and wants to be a therapist while Halyn is obsessed with coffee." Benjamin was a boy in a tan jacket and Halyn was wearing sunglasses, a leather jacket and was holding a coffee cup. Aaron pointed to a boy wearing a pink jacket over a white crop top, and a black skirt and was fingering what looked like a pearl necklace.

"That's Ash, who uses he/him pronouns. And that is-"

"Amira Ila. I already met her." I interrupted and introduced myself with a slight bow.

"I am Caspian King. He/him. Yes, my older brother is Ian King." I winced slightly as a splitting pain flashed through my head.

"Are you okay, kiddo? What's wrong? Do you need the nurse?" Aaron exclaimed.

Halyn rolled their eyes and said, "Calm down, Aaron. Sorry, Caspian. You will get used to him. He is a bit overprotective of his 'kiddos.' "

"I'm fine, Aaron. I'm fine. I just have a small headache. I'm going to go to the nurse for some Tylenol. I'll be right back" As I said that, I noticed Amira staring at me with a strange look in her eyes. It was a bit unnerving. I rushed off to the nurse, not really knowing where the nurse was. Aaron caught up to me and led me to the nurse. "Thanks, Aaron."

"No problem, kiddo." Aaron waited for me to get my medicine.

The nurse was about in her mid-thirties and had blonde hair that faded into royal blue. She handed me some tylenol and had me lay down on the cot for a minute. As I laid down, a searing pain flashed behind my eyes.

"Kiddo? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I'm fine, Aaron. I just have a headache." I winced as my head throbbed.

"What's your name, dear?" The nurse asked me.

"Caspian King." Aaron answered for me.

"I'm going to call your parents, okay dear? They're going to come pick you up."

I groaned at the thought of my dad seeing me like this. The nurse bustled to the phone and called my dad and told him I was sick and needed to be picked up. She hung up and told me my dad would be here soon. She told me to relax, and Aaron to go back to lunch. He complied, after telling me to get well soon.

My dad was there in ten minutes and we went home. At home, I went straight to my room and fell asleep.

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