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I was concerned when Aaron told us Caspian went home after having a splitting headache. I remembered my headache that morning. The bell rang and we all sprinted to class, barely making it in time.


The next day was Wednesday and my headache was worse, but I sucked it up and went to class anyway. The first thing I noticed, even before Lindsey, was Caspian's outfit. He was wearing a long red coat with a black hat that completely covered his head.

He didn't strike me as a hood person. He was very quiet. He was like a whole different person. He never took his hood off and kept to himself all day. Aaron was getting worried.


On Thursday, I couldn't get out of bed, my headache was so bad. After 2 long hours, I finally fell asleep again. When I woke up, I felt weird. I didn't feel sick, just different. I shrugged and went to my closet. As I reached for my hoodie, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I only just stopped myself from screaming. I had pointed ears and my arms were circled with...white vine tattoos? 'Mom is going to kill me!' I was freaking out when I remembered something.

Caspian had a splitting headache two days ago. When he came back, he wore a hood that covered his ears. Could Caspian be the same as me?

My mom started pounding on my door. "Get up, Amira! You will not be late again!!" She opened the door and froze. "You . . . you have elf ears." She paused. "Dammit!" She punched the wall. "I was hoping this wouldn't happen! Dammit!"

"You knew?! Why didn't you tell me?" I screeched.

"Amira! You need to relax-"

"Relax?! Relax?!! Don't tell me to relax!!!" I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My eyes started taking on a blue tinge and the vines wrapped around my arms turned black.

"AMIRA! Listen to me. If you don't calm down, your 'inner spirit' will take over. I know you don't understand, but you need to let me explain.'' She paused. I crossed my arms and sat down on my bed.

"Explain. Now." My voice was deadly calm.

"Ok. A long time ago, people lived in harmony. Everyone lived to do a part and the parts they did added up to help everyone. One family would hunt and another would make clothes. The food and clothes would go to everyone for free. But, there was a man who thought he was entitled to the world. He fought to take the world and the peaceful people didn't know how to fight back. Village after village was destroyed until one woman, Alice, stood up to him. Everyone thought she was out of her mind, but she had a plan.'' My mother paused and I tucked my legs under me. "And a secret. Her only friends were the nature spirits. Her best friend was the leader of the Elementals. The leader's name was Lupa. Lupa was a special spirit. She had black vines around her arms and her eyes were an icy blue. One day, when Alice was visiting the pack, a different group of spirits attacked and one of the strange spirits went after Alice. Lupa saw this and ran to Alice's side. Lupa was running too fast. She collided with Alice and they merged together. Alice became a nature spirit with pointy ears and green vine designs wrapping her arms. Lupa was forever a part of her, whether Alice showed her ears and vines or not.

"She challenged the man, who was the king by then. The king quickly accepted the challenge, thinking he could use this seemingly poor, weak girl as an example. He was quite surprised when she showed her form. They fought, and, when the king drew blood with his sword, Alice changed. Her eyes became ice blue and the designs on her arms turned black. She fought like a demon, and, eventually, won the fight."

I had become very still. I asked my mom, "How do I hide my form? I can't go to class like this!"

"You need to calm down and concentrate. Your form will disappear. As for going to class, are you sure you want to? You don't have to."

"I do have to. There is a boy in my grade. I think he transformed two days ago. I need to tell him how to hide his form!" I exclaimed.

"Then get ready, and make sure he is a nature spirit before you freak him out with all the 'transforming' talk." Mom advised and walked out the door, closing it behind her. I concentrated on getting rid of my form and got dressed.


Before homeroom, I pulled Caspian into a deserted hallway. "W-what do you need, A-Amira?" Caspian stammered.

"Is your headache gone?" I asked, looking around.

"Yes, but-"

"Did anything happen once the headache was gone?"

"Umm-" Caspian hesitated.

"It's okay. You can tell me. I won't tell anyone." I assured him.

Caspian slowly took his hat off and his elf ears popped up. "I knew it!" I exclaimed loudly.

"How do I know you won't tell?" Caspian asked.

"This is why." I pulled off my hood and closed my eyes. When I opened them, my form had returned. I could hear his heart beating very fast. It must have been left over from the fear of being discovered.

"How did you hide them?!" Caspian demanded.

"You need to calm down and concentrate. Your form will disappear." I closed my eyes again and my form faded out of existence. He tried that, and his form disappeared as well.

We heard a grunt of pain coming from around the corner. We looked at each other and turned the corner to see someone kicking a younger student. When we got closer, I was shocked to recognize the older kid.

"Lindsey! What the hell are you doing?" I yelled, running to put myself in between her and the younger student. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Caspian pull the kid aside and talk to him, trying to calm him to see his injuries. Lindsey smirked as she looked me up and down.

"What are you going to do, little girl?" She asked. My eyes widened in anger. Lindsey seemed slightly unnerved when my lips stretched into a smile, but she tried to seem tough. That pushed me over the edge. I threw a punch, hitting one of the pressure points on her arm. She groaned and clutched her arm as I turned and flung my leg out, hitting her directly in her side.

She dropped, holding her side. I smiled down on her as I punched her nose, causing it to bleed immediately. I turned and started to walk away. I stopped, not looking at her, and said, "Your mistake? Attacking someone younger than you and underestimating me because of my demeanor. I hope I taught you a lesson." Caspian and I brought the young kid to the nurse.

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