- chapter 13. a safe school

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❀ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓. 𝖆 𝖘𝖆𝖋𝖊 𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖑 ❀


      "WELL i must say, when I saw Mr Longbottom in a frozen curse on the floor of the Gryffindor common room I was shocked, even more angry when he told me the two of you along with Miss Granger and Mr Potter had gone out after time again. However when Mr Black rushed to me and expressed his worry that you had gone to find the stone, I will admit I was fearful for your safety," she explained and peered at the two. Their teacher was a very hard woman to read, she didn't seem angry, but was definitely not happy with them, they couldn't tell If she was relieved, or just disappointed "How on Earth did this all happen?"

Esme and Ron had been escorted with Minerva and that's how they ended up sitting here with their heads lowered as she spoke with them. They didn't know how to explain themselves, but on the end of Esmes tongue were the words i told you so. It's almost like Ron knew that cause he shared a look with her, a look where they were both thinking the same thing.

     "How did this happen indeed?" another voice asked from behind as they turned, watching Dumbledore hobble into the class room.  The kids couldn't refrain themselves from rushing to him as they stopped by the second to last row of tables.

     "Did you get to Harry and Hermione?" Esme asked immediately.

      "Indeed I did." he told them and they visibly shrink in relief from standing tall in tension and shared a thankful look.

     "Can we see them?" Ron begged and Esme nodded along.

Dumbledore shook his head "In good time, I must speak with the two of you," he informed them and they both gulped, nervous. What if they got expelled? Oh Merlin, what would her Grandparents say? The headmaster didn't seem worried in the slightest as he took a seat atop a desk "Despite how honorable your intentions were, it was a very dangerous thing you did-" he told them. It's not like they didn't know, they knew the implications, but they were doing it for the greater good "But I must thank you, you have stopped the stone from getting into the hands of Professor Quirrell."

Esme and Ron's jaw fell to the floor as their eyebrows knitted together in confusion "Quirrell?" she checked she just hadn't damaged her hearing from the journey "The same teacher that teaches us Defence against the dark arts but looks scared every time he does? It was him?"

Dumbledore nodded calmly "Yes, it seemed Voldemort had attached himself to his soul." It also seemed that with every word he was explaining they only grew in shock, they truly didn't understand the affairs of evil. They were only kids in a small world.

      "Voldemort?" Esme gasped, no fear inside of her but curiosity, all the while Ron was biting on his lip as the two were casually tossing his name around as if he wasn't a dangerous beast at all. Quite similar to McGonagall who seemed to shudder each time they also said his name "He really is back, he's alive?" she questioned.

Dumbledore held his tongue as he paused, in order to not terrify the young ones and explain in a more mature way. He leaned over to them as he spoke slowly and, in a whisper, for his words to be lost in the wind "Evil takes much more forms than just a body," he tells them and pulled away as Ron looked sick while Esme looked deep in wonder "And you have helped to save the wizarding world from him, and he has gone now so you can sleep easily Mr Weasley." He informed them as Ron returned to breathing normally.

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