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(the guys came up to freddys room moments after she left)
M:where's tomika
*he threw them her card*
F:she's gone, packed all her clothes and drove away
L:what about the comp this saturday, we need a girl
F:she told me to get north to skate
*they all came over and sat down setting her card on the table next to him*
W:north isn't as good as tomika or even close
M:why'd she leave
F:because of summer,north,so many people, she just doesn't want to be here
C:shouldn't someone go after her
F:i can go with ethan but he can't leave school until tomorrow which means we wouldn't get back until early friday if she decides to come back
W:well, start training north
D:she won't be ready, especially for the half pike, last time i saw her at the park it was a little awkward on the mini ramps
C:freddy if she doesn't come back willingly kidnap her
(freddy left with ethan that, she has been in austin for 3 days now and met up with her skater friends)
(rose, jack, casey)
R:look who decided to quit hanging with the preppies and come back to skater trash
T:hi rose
R:barely recongnized ya, college had a big impact on you, skirts,long curly hair, high heels
C:you're like the complete oppisite than the last time we saw you
T:yeah well i'm quitting school and the team
R:why you love the team
T:yeah well right now it's just too much for me
J:saw you got your trick again
T:yeah, almost broke my ankle for it
R:so why you quitting college, is it too hard for you
T:no i just can't handle the people there anymore
C:what happened to you
T:which time
C:well you got a nasty cut on your forhead, and stitches in the other arm
T:well summer tried to knock me out by smashing glass on my head, and i beat all her girls and her up so the held me down while she cut me, i get them taken out next week
R:wait isn't summer your best friend
T:nope i hang with the guys and she hangs with the girls trying to get these guys
J:so tomika is finally scared of someone
T:nope i'm just not in the mood to get stabbed today
R:so where's fredward jones
T:malibu, i'm here alone
R:you should go back
J:it's a good school, you got in all of us decided not to go
C:we'll see you later tomika
(hours later she was still at the park alone it was dark now)
T:what are you doing here freddy
F:i came back with ethan, i'm just here to talk
T:i'm not coming back
F:than i'm not going to convince you to, i'm just here to talk
T:fine about what
F:everyone's in their dorms freaking out, trying to get north to go down the half pike she's refusing
T:well that sucks for the team
F:you can handle summer why do you let her do this to you
T:because i deserve what she's doing to me, i just stopped struggling
F:why would anyone desevre all of the marks she gives you
T:mainly because i ditched her but also because i slept with you the guy she's been in love with for as long as i've known her
F:why don't you just come back for the comp, i won't bother you again after that
T:you swear after this weekend there's no more coming for me, or asking me to stay
F:yeah i swear
T:if, i'm not back by tomorrow night don't expect me

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