Chapter Ten

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I text Tia because we haven't talked in a while.

Hey, what's up? We haven't talked in a while.

While I wait for her response, I text Brandon to meet me.

Hey, where are you?

Almost immediately I get a response.

Brandon: Hey! Sorry he's at my shoot so we'll pick you up later.

Who is this?

Brandon: It's Jessica, I just noticed his phone buzz.

WHAT. I think to myself.

I walk upstairs to my room and open my laptop to check Jessica's instagram but don't see anything new. All I can think of is how much fun they're having, how everyone will know Jessica stole Brandon, how they would look like the prettiest couple...

I search for Brandon's name and see a selfie of him and Jessica as soon as I click on his name.

I grip the laptop until my knuckles turn white, then launch it across my room. It hits a wall and bounces onto my bed, screen cracked.

I take my blanket from my chair and scream, letting out all my frustration. I then start to sob and sob, the tears streaming down my face and into the soft fabric. Once I finish, I put my blanket down and lay next to my bed frame.

Numb, I unlock my phone and look at Instagram from there, sure that my laptop is unsalvageable. I have to do something. I can't let her take him away from me.

I look at Jessica's profile first, but there's nothing that could be used against her. Then I look through her pictures. As I scrolled through, seeing every picture, my eyes looking over every angle, I can't spot anything. I spend another fifteen minutes scrolling through, but all I see is her posing and a few selfies. I close my laptop after I get to the oldest post. In due time, I think to myself. I'll find out the perfect way to rid myself of her.


I walk to the coffee shop to meet Brandon and Jessica. Earlier she invited me, and I suppose it would be good to keep an eye on them. I'll just have to try even harder to hold in my emotions.

As soon as I arrive, Jessica comes out of nowhere and gives me a hug. "Oh my gosh, hi! I'm so glad you came, come on!" She leads me to a table where Brandon is sitting.

He's resting his chin on his hand, leaning on the table with his elbow. He looks off in the distance, as if he's thinking.

He's such an angel, I think to myself.

Jessica touches Brandon's hand and says, "Okay, so Brandon here," she giggles. "He was just gushing about this place. He invited me and I invited you."

He... invited you? And not me? I wanted to scream, but instead I clamped my hand on my leg and replied, "Really? That's so kind of you."

Jessica smiles, and I ask, "So how's school going for you?"

"It's going well, thank you!" Jessica beams. "I'm trying to get good grades, but I do admit it's hard because I'm not very good at math. Luckily, Brandon's helping me." She glances at Brandon. "However, I don't think I have anything to worry about because modeling gives me a full-ride scholarship."

Modeling, huh? "Seems like modeling does a lot for you."

"It does. It helps with a lot of things in my life. What about you? Brandon tells me there's a scholarship at the end of the first semester that you could win."

I smile passively. "Actually Jessica, I don't think I need a scholarship. I can do well on my own."

Jessica frowns and shakes her head profusely. "I-I didn't mean—"

"Actually," I got down from my chair. "I think I should leave, thank you for inviting me." I start the way home, crafting a plan in my mind.


After I get home, I return upstairs to open my laptop. The screen is damaged but it still works somehow.

But as soon as I sit down, a notification pops up. I check my phone and see it's from Jessica.

J: Sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to suggest you were dumb, I promise. Is there any way I can make it up to you?

I frown, but then an idea comes to mind.

Actually, could I come to one of your shoots? Just to see what you do there.

J: Do you want to do modeling?

Possibly. Can I come or not?

J: Of course!

I turn my phone off and grin. Why scour the internet if I can get up close and personal?

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