Chapter 3

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I don't own Poppy Playtime

Lune had gathered 2 of the four power cell needed for the controls. As he looked, he found a few more toys that were broken. Taking the time to do for them, what he did for the other toys beforehand. As Lune did so he came across a yellow vhs tape. Lune remembered seeing another vhs player when he came in here so he took the tape and played it.

The only image that showed in this vhs was the claw on the crane thing. Lune felt uneasy about what they were talking about and at the fact that they couldn't complain for some reason. Lune went back to looking for the rest of the power cells only to find another vhs tape which was the same color, but it was titled Poppy Maintenance. Lune looked at the tape confused, unaware of eyes watching him, but this time, the eyes were slightly feral. Lune decided to play the tape, wondering what it was about. Though the poor bean was not prepared for what he was about to see.

As he watched, the tape went through all the steps on how to care for Poppy. But after step five, the last step was awful. Her voice box was covered in blood, and dripped all over her clothes, while Poppy's eyes were closed and she seemed to be unconscious. The screen suddenly blacked out for a split second with the words saying LET ME GO over and over on the side, then was back to normal with the video say she was all better now. Then the video ended with Poppy back in her seat but the ground below her was covered in blood. When the screen went black, Lune whimpered, covering his mouth in horror. It was starting to come together. All these toys, were alive, literally alive somehow. Lune didn't have all the pieces but he could already tell the people who made these poor toys had no regard for any pain or horror they put them through. Lune felt angry and sad now knowing this. The little skeleton stood up and wiped his eyesockets and collected the last of the power cells. He then put them in the control panel and used the claw to get the red hand down. Then Lune jumped down and attached it to the grab pack. Just then the conveyer belt started moving with Lune on it.
"Uh oh." Before Lune could get off the conveyer, the door he went through shut and he was stuck going through the machinery. Toy parts and such fell in the tunnel of the machine, some landing on Lune as he rode the conveyer. He rubbed his head a bit and noticed he was coming to the end of the tunnel. Lune stood up and immediately jumped of the conveyer belt into the room it led to, going through an already broken glass tube. He landed and look at what he would've fallen into had he not jumped off the conveyer belt. The tube, along with 3 others like it, were filled with toy parts. And the bottom of them was closed but would lead to another conveyer belt which went into a larger machine.
Lune looked at the machine and saw an info panel in front of it. It was called the Make a Friend machine. It does everything for the workers and makes the toys. Lune frowned and looked at the large machine.
"So...all the toys, came from this?" He muttered. But how does a regular machine like this make living toys?? It's not magic? He wondered. Lune let out a sigh and started looking around for more clues. As he did, he noticed a lot of large boxes and a lot of posters that were encouraging workers to adopt orphans. Somehow Lune didn't feel right about it. As he looked some more he found another vhs tape, it was pink. He looked around for a player and once he found it, he put in the tape and pressed play.

"That was....odd. Why is this here?" Lune wondered. He felt a lil bad for this Stella person. Lune wasn't a human, and he stopped aging once he reached a certain age. Stella had wanted to be a child forever, but that was an option she would never get. Lune had that option though, but that didn't mean he was naive to the bad things in the world. Sometimes even children didn't have that luxury. But still, many refused to let Lune's innocence and purity be destroyed by the world. Even Lune was able to remain a pure and kind hearted child despite his knowledge of the bad things. Lune sighed and decided to try and head back but he found he was unable to leave without making a toy. He frowned and looked at the machine, then decided not to do that. He looked at the door that was at the end of the conveyer belt. Lune figured he could go that way instead like he accidentally did last time. So, after figuring out how to open the door, Lune went through, with door shutting behind him.

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