Chapter 11

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Again I do not own Poppy Playtime
Timeskip: 5 days Later

The little Catnap toy, Nappy, sat next to the little skeleton. Both of them were right next to the train by the lever that were all pulled now. Nappy, now moving more then before, looked from Lune to the 3 games that the group all went through five days ago. Each one beaten, each of them save for musical memory having a covered corpse or corpses of the toys that were from them. Wack-A-Wuggy had each of the dead Wuggys Mommy Long Legs had killed in front of it. They were only able to find six of them, stars know what happened to the rest. Lune had lined the dead toys up and covered them with old sheets or cloth he could find. And each of them had a fake flower on them as well. For Statues, the body of PJ Pug-a-pillar was curled of, also covered with five fake flowers place on each segment of him. They had found his body a day after Mommy was killed, they all expected Lune to cry or get hysterical, but he had just stared at PJ's body. His expression was grief stricken but he didn't shed another tear that day or made a sound. To his friends it was unnerving to see the young skeleton like this.
Lune hadn't spoken in five days since he had wailed about what happened to Mommy. There wasn't any wrapped up body for her, since the Prototype had taken all that was left of her. Every dead toy in the Game Station had been given as good a funeral as they could do, the Wuggys and PJ receiving the last of Lune's fake flowers that he'd gotten from the gift shop. Now he was sitting silently, putting together a small bouquet of paper mache flowers. They were kinda clumsily made since Lune wasn't experienced with paper mache, but you could at least tell they were flowers.
Nappy stared at Lune in worry. It had only known the little skeleton for a few days, but even the little toy realized this was a kind soul that was severely struggling to survive the horrors that this factory hid. Huggy, Bunzo, P and CatBee all made efforts to try and get Lune to smile, eat, whatever they could. But the barely got much, at least they got him to eat tho so that was good. All of them could tell the death of Mommy hit Lune hard, especially since he blamed himself for it. Sure she was trying to kill them but Lune genuinely believed there was still a chance for her. They just didn't get that chance.
However Poppy acted more and more agitated the longer they waited for Lune to feel better. She didn't quite understand why he was so upset because of what Mommy was trying do.
"We can't wait here anymore! We have to go now." She said, currently arguing with P.
"Have a heart Poppy. He's not ready, he's already been through so much!" He argued. Poppy sighed in frustration.
"We don't have time for him to decide to just get over it! If we stay here any longer, HE'S going to come for us!" She said.
"If He wanted to come for us so badly don't you think he'd would've by now? Or he would've killed us the moment Mommy was dead? I highly doubt he's coming after us now!" P retorted getting a bit fed up with Poppy's impatience.
"I can't even understand why he's acting so upset over her! It's good that she's dead! Now we don't need to worry about her killing us!" Poppy said purely exasperated. Huggy then came up behind her and growled.
"Poppy shut it... we're staying until...Lune is ready." He said menacingly. Poppy backed away from in fear and then scoffed, walking to the train. P sighed in slight relief.
"Thanks Huggy, she was really pushing it today." He said. Huggy nodded then towards Lune.
"I don't know. I got him to eat breakfast but it was small. Most food here is either rancid, or slim.... Y'know Poppy isn't entirely wrong. We do need to move on soon if we want to get out. Plus we'll need to find another First Aid station soon. Hopefully for more food and supplies." P said softly. Huggy frowned and nodded, then slowly walked to Lune and sat down next to.
"Done." Lune muttered, holding up the bouquet of paper flowers. Huggy smiled.
"Pretty." He said softly. Lune hummed and stood up putting the bouquet on the controls for the Game Station, then he put a Mommy Long Legs doll he had found next to it.
"...For Mommy?" Huggy asked. Lune nodded and looked at Huggy. Immediately the blue mascot could tell the poor boy hadn't slept well. Lune had dark circles under his eyesockets, he looked tired, very tired. His clothes started looking pretty worn out and torn definitely gonna need new ones soon.
"I'm sorry..." Lune said quietly. Huggy tiled his head.
"...I made us wait....Poppy is right...we gotta get out of this place...I made promise to you afterall..." He said looking down. Huggy immediately hugged Lune.
"It's ok.....not your fault..." Huggy said softly. Lune sniffled a bit and nodded. Then he got up and walked to the train.
"I'm ready.."
"You sure Lune? If you need more time-" Bunzo tried to say.
"No let's do this, let's get out of here." Lune said quickly. The group looked at each other then nodded, all of them boarding different parts on the train with Lune and P in the driver's part. Poppy hummed happy they were finally going. Lune put in the train code and the finally were leaving the Game station. Lune watched it out the window as the train slowly pulled along the tracks and exited the place. With game station out of sight, Lune turned his attention to the tunnel ahead of them. That's when Poppy's voice sounded over the speakers.
"I was so scared she'd put me back in that case. But you, all saved me. You're both perfect....too perfect to loose." Her voice tone changed drastically causing everyone to tense up.
"I'm sorry. I can let you leave." she said, the train tracks changing from the direction of the exit tunnel to a side.
"What the heck?! Poppy what are you doing?!" P yelled confused and angry. Him and Lune could hear Huggy roar and crawl around the train trying to find Poppy. Poppy continued to speak despite this.
"I've never met anyone like you two. Hehe, do you know how long I've been stuck in that case? Well, too long." Lune was trying to pull and tug at the breaks of the train but it wouldn't budge.
"Poppy this isn't funny!" He said, immediately reconsidering the stance he had regarding her before.
"Hmmm, I've had so much time to think and reflect. Time to figure out exactly what I would do when free. We'll set things right. Terrible things have happened here." Both P and Lune deadpanned at that. Yea, like that wasn't obvious enough already.
"But I know whatever I need you to do, your capable." Lune stiffened not liking the direction Poppy's tone was going, immediately he felt a severe sense of distrust towards her, P's expression said he felt the same way.
"We will-wha-" The coms suddenly cut out as her voice as a beeping sound came on. The duo waited for a hot minute then P stuck his head out window carefully.
"Bunzo! Huggy! What happened?! Where'd she go?!" He yelled. Bunzo's voice sounded from train car right behind them.
"I don't know! We can't find her! Be careful and try to stop the train! It's heading for a really bad place in the factory and we don't want to be there!" He yelled back. Lune immediately tried at the break lever again but still no luck.
"I-It won't budge! P help!" He said. P immediately came over and tried pulling as well but still it wouldn't move.
"Dang it. It's stuck!" P grunted as he pulled.
"Uh guys! Is just me or is the train going faster!?" Bunzo's panicked voice rang out from the intercom this time.
"STOP TRAIN! TOO FAST!" Huggy yelled desperately.
"THE LEVERS STUCK!" P yelled pulling harder. The train continued going faster and faster, to the point everyone needed to hold onto something less they loose their footing.
"We can't find Poppy! She abandoned us!!" Bunzo's voice rang out angrily. P growled and tried at the lever again, Lune of course trying to help him.
An blinking red light came up with an alarm signaling the train was getting too very unsafe speeds. Eventually a sign lit us saying such and saying to stop the train. After a minute, the break lever the duo was pulling on lit up and it started to budge.
"Lune! Quick on 3, pull it as hard as you can!" P yelled, receiving a scared nod from the skeleton.
"One. Two. Three! Pull!!" P yelled. Both him and Lune pulled as hard as they could, the lever finally giving way. The train began to stop with the breaks now applied. However due to the train's high speeds it started tipping over.
Everyone screamed at the train was violently tipped over and kept scrapping forward until finally it slowed to a stop. P was unconscious, having hit his head when the train tipped. Groans and confused mumbles were heard from the others who were also hurt from the wreck.
Lune whimpered, his vision fading in and out as he tried to fight to stay awake. For a moment he saw he was outside of the now burning train with P a short distance away, then he saw a big purple figure walks towards him. It nudged him gently making him whine from slight pain at being moved. As his vision faded out and back in again, he saw P was gone and the figure picking him up.
However he eventually last consciousness, the last thing he saw being a sign that said, PlayCare.

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